Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Nothing new going on here. Just getting the kids after work and doing some easy riding in the basement, then lifting weights. Looking forward to the Thursday gate practices and the weekend races at Walworth. So other then that, see you at the practice tomorrow. Later..
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Bust'n it in the barn
We went to the bmx races today and it was a nice light turn out as many of the fast guys are at the Grands. There were only 30 moto's and that meant you had to be ready as the moto's were flying. As we got there Kenny and Josh were there so that was nice to have another others there for race day. Nate took 1st in cruiser and 2nd in age. I took 2nd in my cruiser. Kenny took 4th in his cruiser class and Josh missed both his mains.
Now the day has come to get my body ready again for work after having 11 days off. I still have a bunch of days to use up as the 10 weeks off this summer were all sick days to let the fingers heal. I still need to get out and get the Christmas gifts and all so I my bust a day off for that also as I still have 2 weeks to burn. Hope the ride today was fun as I was thinking man what a day to be inside racing but it was still a good day as I was still on a bike and racing it on top of that. Later..
Now the day has come to get my body ready again for work after having 11 days off. I still have a bunch of days to use up as the 10 weeks off this summer were all sick days to let the fingers heal. I still need to get out and get the Christmas gifts and all so I my bust a day off for that also as I still have 2 weeks to burn. Hope the ride today was fun as I was thinking man what a day to be inside racing but it was still a good day as I was still on a bike and racing it on top of that. Later..
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Crazy Kids

After our group ride this morning I came home and cleaned up and ate lunch. we moved the furniture around in the front room and got the tree trimming things out of the attic and loaded the car and got a Christmas tree. I got the lights on it and now the kids are putting the ornaments on it as I sit here. The 4th kid in the picture is Isabella from next door as there are no plans to add to the present herd of kids here.
The group ride today was a nice pace and never got out of hand. We got the 36 plus change done in about 1:50. The group all stayed together and never pushed it so no one never got dropped. I sat in most of the ride as we are going to the bmx races tomorrow. This morning I was thinking the entire time I was eating do I do the road ride or the Goat ride. I figured I would do the road ride as I could sit in and take it easy before the races tomorrow. I will get on a Goat ride one of these days soon, I just needed an easy spin ride today. I asked Nate and he said he wants to race tomorrow or we would have did the ride at Hoyt Park but he wants to race bmx so that is what I have to do. I hope it doesn't rain and they have a good ride. Time to go and check the tree trimmers. Later..
Friday, November 24, 2006
Hitt'n the Pavement
Today was a road ride from Lenny's house down south in Racine. Russell, Bubba, John, Len and myself hit the road for a nice spin in Racine and Kenosha county. It was nice to hit the roads that we rode when the fast guy Joe, Jack and the Chief pulled us at speeds that left our legs and lungs burning. We first headed into the wind for about 20 miles and after a short stop we headed back with the wind at our backs and that was nice. In all we got a nice 35 mile ride in a little over 2 hours in the small ring. It is nice to take advantage of the nice weather and get some road riding in and get to sit and talk as we ride. After the ride we sat and tossed a few beers back. Tomorrow I'm on the fence about riding the group road ride or the Goat ride. Have to see the list of things to get done and then toss a coin. Sunday The Boy and I are hitting the barn for some bmx racing. Later..
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
I got back home last night from hunting and it was great to be back home with the family. I didn't see anymore deer while hunting but that was ok as now I don't have to pay for deer processing and to get it made into beef sticks and jerky. Going to Cece's mothers for Thanksgiving and then maybe try to get back for the night ride. Have to see how things are going if that is something we can swing. Have a great Thanksgiving. Later..
Monday, November 20, 2006
Russell's Supermate of the week
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Shot and nothing
I was out in the tree stand for 5 hours this afternoon and I finaly seen 2 deer. A nice sized fork and a fat little 8 pointer. I took a long shot at the 8 pointer and my shot was low and the bullet hit the ground and the deer took off. I went down and I knew that there wouldn't be any blood and I was right and I didn't see any so I missed the buck. I hope to see another buck over the next few days and get another chance to bag a buck.
Nate called and he won the State Cross race today. He said that he almost lapped everyone in his race. He now has won the WCA race jersery and the State race so meet his goal for the year. Thanks Pat and Russell for getting him to the State cross race. Pat took 20th and Russell took like 31st Nate said they had good races also. Now it is time to relax a little and hit the bmx track for the winter. Of course Nate is beginning to get the skills down and is kicking everyones butt on the bmx track to. Well time to relax and have a few beers. Later..
Nate called and he won the State Cross race today. He said that he almost lapped everyone in his race. He now has won the WCA race jersery and the State race so meet his goal for the year. Thanks Pat and Russell for getting him to the State cross race. Pat took 20th and Russell took like 31st Nate said they had good races also. Now it is time to relax a little and hit the bmx track for the winter. Of course Nate is beginning to get the skills down and is kicking everyones butt on the bmx track to. Well time to relax and have a few beers. Later..
Nothing hanging
Have been sitting in the tree stand and I have'nt seen a deer yet. I spent 8 hours in the tree stand yesterday and I haven't seen any deer. The group hunting next to us has been shooting anything that is moving and they have a couple of doe that they have shot. The one I seen them hauling out on the 4 wheeler was tiny. I plan on only shooting at a nice size buck and no doe so I hope to see one soon. Plan on putting another few hours in the tree stand today and may have to miss the Packer game to try to get that buck. I hope to hear from Nate later also and see how the State cross race went. The weather is perfect and I hope that he has a good race and wins the State Championship. I thank Pat again for getting him to the race. Time to get in the tree stand. Later..
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Off to the great hunt
Tonight we hit the bmx track for gate practice. It was nice to see everyone at the practice again and to see the kids having so much fun. Maddie is looking better and needs to work on getting her body more loose when riding. Nate is looking better each week and I think he will be smoking all the others the rest of the year. I feel better and I think I have figured the proper stance to get better gates. I feel better and hope to have some good races this year again. I leave in the morning to go up by my brothers to go deer hunting and I can't wait to just sit in the woods and relax. I will be back next Wednesday so maybe a ride or 2 over the weekend may be in order. Nate is going to the State cross race with Pat and Russ so I hope that the weather is good and that they all have good races. Thanks again Pat for making sure that he gets to the State cross race. See you all next week. Later..
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Getting ready for the Kill

I have a school board meeting tonight then hitting the bmx track tomorrow. I'm getting the gun out and the hunting stuff ready for the trip upnorth to sit in the woods and hope for the big buck to come by. It is always a nice break to just sit there and think of things that need to be finished, started and planning for the Holidays. I really don't care if I get a deer as no one else in the house eats the meat and I end up getting it made into sausage and pay like $4oo.oo to do so.
This weekend Nate has the State cross race and thanks to Tosacrosser and Russell he will make it to the race. Thanks again you guys. I hope the they all have and good race and come home with some hardware. Time to get to my meeting. Later..
Monday, November 13, 2006
Russell's Supermate of the week
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Bumping in the turns

Here is a picture of Nate at the cross race yesterday. It was a cool race to watch and see all the racers covered in mud. As much as I hate cleaning the bike and clothes it is always fun to watch and cheer the racers on.
Today we went back to the bmx track for double point race day. Nate raced so well today it was a blast to see him knock one of the racers that seems to be a thorn in his side down a few rungs. The kid always tries to push Nate in the corners and it just makes Nate tap the brakes and he goes by. But Nate has a stronger gate and just needs to pedal into turn 1 and hold the low line and come out high and manual the first double and manual the rest. He did just that and blew the others away. The kid that tries to get into Nate just rode off the track so mad he didn't take his place ticket, white trash cry baby is all that loser kid is. Nate also had a great race in the cruiser and took another 2nd place. I took a 4th place today in a tougher field today. So it was a great weekend of racing and I'm having fun rubbing elbows at the bmx track again. Later..
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Cross and BMX
This morning Nate and I headed to the cross race in Janesville for a nice muddy cold race. He got the hole shot and was ahead of Myles and riding smoothly. The BAM he clipped his foot on the first barrier and face planted in the mud. He got up and lost a spot or 2 but they weren't in his age group so no damage done except his pride. He came by after the first lap and had a good gap on Myles and that got bigger each lap and he won by 3 to 4 minutes. He now just has the State Championships and the season is over. I can't believe it is over already. We got to see few of the others race and Russell looked good but I don't know how he placed. Ron got a 7th, Goat got an 8th with some mad skills in the mud. As for the rest that raced I didn't get a chance to stick around to check how they finished. We left the cross race and headed southeast and hit the barn for some bmx racing. We got there with time to spare to get the bikes and gear ready. Russell came by to check it out and get some pictures and left before the racing as he is getting a cold. Ron came after his race and cheered us on (Thanks Ron). Nate took 2nd in cruiser and age and I took 2nd in cruiser also. It was fun mixing it up again and can't wait until tomorrow. Later..
Friday, November 10, 2006
Criss Cross'n

Tomorrow Nate and I are going to hit the cross race in Janesville and then race Sat afternoon at the bmx track and then race at the

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Crashing the barn

As much as it would be nice to ride the mtn bike tonight on the night ride but the kids all want to go to the bmx track. So off to the barn we go. I'm looking forward to riding the bmx bike since getting a little taste of bmx'n at the Milwaukee bmx track this summer. I can't wait to race this Sat and Sun so we do need some time on the bmx track any how. This weekend Nate is racing the cross race and then we are going to the bmx track for racing both Sat and Sun. See you at the bmx track or if you are doing the night ride have fun. Later..
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Iceman recap
Well the truck cruised up to the Iceman this weekend loaded with a couple of local WORS racers and hit the trails. When the dust settled all the racers from the clan got a medal and most got money. We left at 10:45 pm on Thursday and drove to 47 miles away and I could not drive anymore safely and we pulled into a rest stop and napped for 3 hours and drove the rest in the morning. I have to say that if you are driving any where and need a co-pilot you bring Russell and he will get you there and never get you lost. Thanks Russell.
We stopped in a small cafe Friday morning in town and had a bite to eat. We all ordered pancakes and the big eaters we are took the full stack. Well the funny thing is when the pancakes got to the tables they were about 10 inches across and an inch thick staked 3 high. None of us could finish the entire stack and probably were the laughing stock of all the people sitting there as we all said no problem we can eat all these. The best part was when we asked for directions to the place where we were staying the waitress laughed and told us we were in for a surprise. She then told us the bathroom was not in the cabin and on top of that we will be paying for the shower at a cost of .50 cents for 5 minutes. Shit we all just looked at each other and laughed and then just said we will check it out and if we don't like it just leave. The waitress then went and told the others and they were all laughing at us in no time. We paid and left to get to the cabin and check it out. She was right but we stayed there any how and it wasn't that bad. All we had was a little heater to heat the place so I doubled it by high jacking the one from the women's restroom(sorry ladies) and it was toasty in no time. Then we got the bikes out and went for a little ride on the race course. Mike and I tested the handling skills in the single track on the tandem and it went well. As for the sleeping we didn't bring bedding thinking that it would be provided, so we had to go and buy some at the Walmart. That was an adventure in it self thanks to Russ.
We then went and got our race packets and talked to Wendy and DJ and a few others. After getting the details taken care of we went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner. Of course we had to move from a table to a booth and get the only waiter in the joint. Thanks Mike as I think Ron and Russ would have enjoyed the real nice looking waitress that had the table instead. We went back to the cabin and settled in to watch a movie and relax before the race. Sleep was in need as I got 2 hours in the last 2 days after the drive up to the race.
For race day things went smooth until we looked at the time and we had 5 minutes till our start. Oh shit we said and got to the start and were lucky as many of the Single Speeders let us in so we could get close to the other tandems. We were the last ones in line but we were able to get to about 5th tandem by the the first single track. We got passed by one tandem early and and then we passed one about 3 miles later. We then held on to 5th until the last 2 miles where we dropped our chain and had to fight it back on and another tandem passed us. We got going and caught them in the last single track but they got up the last hill faster then us and we came in 6th place at the end. Really not a bad finish since it is a expert/sport class and the others ride together as we had a total of 3 hours together. Ron was at the finish cheering us on after his finish, thanks Ron. After the race it was nice to be able to walk to the cabin and have it warm so we did not get chilled after the race. When we got to the cabin Russell was there as was Aaron Brandt who was cold after the race. Ron had a great finish as he finished 3rd in expert on his single speed as Nate G won the class, Russell had a great race as he finished 4th in Clyde division. John L. had another great race as he won another race this year. Brittany won her sport class as did Sarah Lukas by winning her class also. Jeff M took 2nd in his age class and Scott took 5th in his. The best was watching the pro's come in. The winner was so far ahead that he got to celebrate way before the finish. Then came Tristan, Matter and best to see was Jesse come in 5th on his single speed. Cole also had a good race finishing 10th and last in the money. The poor sap with a good finish and no money was Marko(eat before you race fool). There was a bunch of other great finished so to check for any one else check here Iceman. Thanks to all who cheered and to all who raced. We took the senic route home and had a great weekend together. Nate raced at the Estabrook cross race and won another race and has the WCA cup locked up and now is hoping to finish the season with a State champ medal. BMX PRACTICE THIS THURSDAY AT THE BARN FROM 5 -7. SEE YOU THERE. Later..
We stopped in a small cafe Friday morning in town and had a bite to eat. We all ordered pancakes and the big eaters we are took the full stack. Well the funny thing is when the pancakes got to the tables they were about 10 inches across and an inch thick staked 3 high. None of us could finish the entire stack and probably were the laughing stock of all the people sitting there as we all said no problem we can eat all these. The best part was when we asked for directions to the place where we were staying the waitress laughed and told us we were in for a surprise. She then told us the bathroom was not in the cabin and on top of that we will be paying for the shower at a cost of .50 cents for 5 minutes. Shit we all just looked at each other and laughed and then just said we will check it out and if we don't like it just leave. The waitress then went and told the others and they were all laughing at us in no time. We paid and left to get to the cabin and check it out. She was right but we stayed there any how and it wasn't that bad. All we had was a little heater to heat the place so I doubled it by high jacking the one from the women's restroom(sorry ladies) and it was toasty in no time. Then we got the bikes out and went for a little ride on the race course. Mike and I tested the handling skills in the single track on the tandem and it went well. As for the sleeping we didn't bring bedding thinking that it would be provided, so we had to go and buy some at the Walmart. That was an adventure in it self thanks to Russ.
We then went and got our race packets and talked to Wendy and DJ and a few others. After getting the details taken care of we went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner. Of course we had to move from a table to a booth and get the only waiter in the joint. Thanks Mike as I think Ron and Russ would have enjoyed the real nice looking waitress that had the table instead. We went back to the cabin and settled in to watch a movie and relax before the race. Sleep was in need as I got 2 hours in the last 2 days after the drive up to the race.
For race day things went smooth until we looked at the time and we had 5 minutes till our start. Oh shit we said and got to the start and were lucky as many of the Single Speeders let us in so we could get close to the other tandems. We were the last ones in line but we were able to get to about 5th tandem by the the first single track. We got passed by one tandem early and and then we passed one about 3 miles later. We then held on to 5th until the last 2 miles where we dropped our chain and had to fight it back on and another tandem passed us. We got going and caught them in the last single track but they got up the last hill faster then us and we came in 6th place at the end. Really not a bad finish since it is a expert/sport class and the others ride together as we had a total of 3 hours together. Ron was at the finish cheering us on after his finish, thanks Ron. After the race it was nice to be able to walk to the cabin and have it warm so we did not get chilled after the race. When we got to the cabin Russell was there as was Aaron Brandt who was cold after the race. Ron had a great finish as he finished 3rd in expert on his single speed as Nate G won the class, Russell had a great race as he finished 4th in Clyde division. John L. had another great race as he won another race this year. Brittany won her sport class as did Sarah Lukas by winning her class also. Jeff M took 2nd in his age class and Scott took 5th in his. The best was watching the pro's come in. The winner was so far ahead that he got to celebrate way before the finish. Then came Tristan, Matter and best to see was Jesse come in 5th on his single speed. Cole also had a good race finishing 10th and last in the money. The poor sap with a good finish and no money was Marko(eat before you race fool). There was a bunch of other great finished so to check for any one else check here Iceman. Thanks to all who cheered and to all who raced. We took the senic route home and had a great weekend together. Nate raced at the Estabrook cross race and won another race and has the WCA cup locked up and now is hoping to finish the season with a State champ medal. BMX PRACTICE THIS THURSDAY AT THE BARN FROM 5 -7. SEE YOU THERE. Later..
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Well I'm waiting for Russell and Ron to get home and then we are getting in the truck and heading to the Iceman. I'm looking forward to getting there and racing the tandem with Mike but not doing it in the frick'n cold. I got the extra warm clothes packed and hope that I have not forgot to pack anything. We will get there early enough that if we did forget anything we can go and buy it so that should be no problem. This weekend is the start of bmx and also another cross race. We will be missing the opening of bmx but Cece will get him to the cross race. We have all winter to get to bmx and we won't miss anymore after this weekend except for the cross state race. I need to try to get a nap so I can drive for the next 6 to 8 hours. Later..
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