Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Pictures of the neck
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
New Brain Bucket

Monday, January 29, 2007
Russell's Super Mate of the Week
Sunday, January 28, 2007
A bunch of 3's
Nate had the toughest cruiser moto's so far this year. He had a couple of the fastest racers in the nation in his group. In the first moto Nate had a great gate and was right on the wheels of the leaders and was pushing them into turn 3 and they hooked up and Nate went by and made it to the main. The guy with the National 7 plate didn't even make it to the main. In the main Nate again had a good gate start and almost pushed Bodie over the 1st turn but didn't and then Bodie got ahead and Nate had to settle for 3rd. That was a great finish with those others in there. In age he got through in the first moto and then in the final he was leading and the guy in 2nd took him out in turn 3 and he had to settle for 3rd again. It is to bad that these guys are going after Nate and taking him out in the turns. He is taking it good and just says that part of the racing and his time will come and he will take each out or over the top of the turns.
I had a full rack of 8 in my 1st moto and the first 3 across made it but I wasn't one of those racers. I had a good gate in the 2nd moto and just held my position and made it to the main. That was my goal and wasn't really thinking that a top finish was possible with how my body was feeling and the guys I had to race. In the main I had gate 8 and just plain old sucks. I got a good start and moved into 5th in the 1st turn and was thinking maybe 1 more spot in the 2nd turn as I was right on John's wheel. No need as the 2 guys in 2nd and 3rd took each other out in the turn and I rolled across in 3rd. Nice way to end the day.
I looked at my helmet today and I have to have Danny order me a new one as I cracked it. Hell I didn't think you could crack a full face helmet. Thank heaven they do what they are intended to and the brains are still inside the head and the wife and kids aren't changing my diaper for the rest of my life.
There were alot of others racing today and the top one of the day was Fast girl Sam as she won again today. In her main she had to tangle with one of the other racers in turn 2 and Sammi just pedaled out and the other girl went down and Sam got the win easily. Nice race Sam. Mitch was back today for his second day of racing, I mean he stayed over night here so I took him and he raced well again. He took a 3rd as he was bumped up to the 13 novice group and a few of the others have been racing for a while. Great racing Mitch. And then the Ronsta was back and today the guys in his age were getting anxious in the gates and running into them and Ron was clean. He made it to the main and took 4th. Again great racing Ron. Time to go down and eat. Later..
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Race update.
Double weekend
Friday, January 26, 2007
Mouse update

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Not Finished

I still left this sign hanging in the window of the dump I closed yesterday. I really wonder what the Hell these operators are thinking. Just the smell alone of the piss yesterday was unreal. Today it smelt like a pine forest and they must have gone through 10 bottles of Pine Sol trying to mask the mouse piss smell. Now the Pine Sol smell is just as obnoxious as the smell of the mouse piss. Well today I moved some of the shelving and there was still mouse shit every where and a few bags of the chips had holes from the mice eating into them. WTF are these guys thinking? Oh Mr. Jay we cleaned up and can you let us open now? NO I say to you. Not one of the doors gaps or the holes in the cracks along the exterior of the building was taking care of. I mean the list could go on but they aren't ready so needless to say they are not selling any food yet. Maybe tomorrow.
I just got done throwing a resume together as I have a interview on Friday for a job in Oak Creek. This would be the same job as I was doing in Milwaukee. Inspecting the restaurants, school and hotels and other food establishments. But there are added jobs such as pools, lead in homes, animal control and a few other smaller jobs tossed in. Not that I'm not happy where I'm working but it is a chance to make a few more dollars and even maybe now I could move out of the city of Milwaukee. But the kick is Cece is working for the city so if she wants to keep working at the school she is at we have to stay in Milwaukee. But I think that she could get a job teaching anywhere so we just have to worry about step 1, get the job offer in Oak Creek first. enough for now and I need a big bowl of ice cream. See you at the bmx practice tomorrow. Later..
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
You are closed sucka

Monday, January 22, 2007
Russell's Supermate of the Week
Sunday, January 21, 2007
32 drops

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Just now I just finished my science project ( I mean Nathan did ). These teachers give these big ass projects that none of these kids do themselves as there would be no way that they could. I have been doing science projects for (with) the kids for the last 4 years and I think that is will continue for the next 12 years until Jess is out of high school. We did a electrical current and total foot candle brightness of the light bulbs with the total distance with different lengths of wire. No change for any foot candle brightness as the 3 were all the same. I knew that would be the case but it was a good project for Nate and hopefully a grade A project. Now we are going to sit down and watch The Great Outdoors with the punks. Later..
Friday, January 19, 2007
New bike

Thursday, January 18, 2007
No Mas
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A OK Today

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
A rotten night and day

This how the tissue roll looked at 6pm last night and after way to many visits to the can.
This is how it looked at 9pm. I didn't sleep at all last night and was getting up every 10 minutes to go to the can. This morning I got out of bed showered and laid back down. I was a step away from calling in and not going to work but I had a appointment at the airport that I didn't want to break. So off to work I went as I have only called in to work ill 1 time in 13 years. The other times I couldn't get to work was because of infections in the leg or my hand last summer. I had a few hours of flex time so I just left an hour early to rest the rest of the night. Time for rest. Later..
Monday, January 15, 2007
Russell's supermate of the Week
Sunday, January 14, 2007
OK Day

I had a good day today as I made it to the main in the first moto and then had gate7 for the main so that was not that good so I had to do a nice low high in turn 1 and then make it stick for the rest of the race. I knew in turn 2 Rich would be looking to return the favor by trying to get into the turn below me and force me over the top. I didn't let it happen and then in turn 3 he

It was also a good day for Kenny and Josh as they both got 2nd place finishes today. It was great to see Josh get the 2nd as he has been making steady improvements and now this should help him motivate to keep pushing to do well. Kenny had a good day as he got into the turns before Joey and had to hang on as Joey goes for the low high and runs people over all the time ( just ask Ron). You have to see it as Joey goes about 340 pounds but he can handle a bmx bike ok. Great job guys. And Ronsta was there and he was looking good and made both mains today. The tough thing is that he has to race some of the fastest guys. Ron then got a 4th and 7th. Good job Ron.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
A little of this and that

Friday, January 12, 2007
Bring out your dead
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Thursday Throw Down

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Oh Crap
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007
Russell's Supermate of the Week
Sunday, January 07, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007
I got a flat and had to walk back to the car thinking that I didn't have my 3/4 inch wrench to take the nut off my rear wheel. I got to the car and was thinking what the hell am I going to do. I opened the trunk and checked the bag and I didn't have it. I looked under the bag to see if anything would magically appear and I noticed that I had my 4 star wheel lug nut remover for the car tires and I checked and one of the lug removers fit the nut perfect. I got the flat changed and called Donny's phone and they came back and got me to finish the ride. I'm glad that I was able to fix the flat as the riding was awesome and I would have hated to miss it. In all the ride was awesome and I will definitely make it back for another ride. Thanks Goat for the great ride.
Got home and washed the bikes as they did get a little dirty and I didn't want to get yelled at for always bringing dirty bikes in to the basement. I also washed Cece's bike as it was still dirty from the Thursday ride. I did find a derailleur hanger at Ben's and was able to have my spare bike back together again after taking the hanger off it to get Cece's back together after The boy broke it. I ordered 4 extra ones as I will put one in the seat bags and carry a few in the tool bag also. I love the single speed as I don't have to worry about any of that crap.
Tomorrow The Boy and I are going to the bmx races so I have to get a few things done. Later..
Friday, January 05, 2007
1 week down
Night ride'n in Jan
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Russell's Supermate od the Week
Monday, January 01, 2007
Whale on the beach