Monday, April 30, 2007
Russell's Supermate of the Week

Sunday, April 29, 2007
K-Town crit today
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Another win for MARS
I got home and went for a ride and while I was heading south I ran into Danny. He was going out for a spin before he races tomorrow in Kenosha. I rode with Dan for about an hour and then went back on my way and made it home and got in about 2.5 hours in the saddle. Going to get another long ride in tomorrow and then a 80 to 100 miles on Monday with Jeff. Have to get a long ride in before the bone ride so with the temps in the 80's we are hitting the road about 10ish so if ya want in call me. Well I have to get the grill out and start cooking before I get yelled at. Later..
Friday, April 27, 2007
Money in the pocket
Hey any one want to take Monday off? Jeff Senn and I are and we are going to and go for a 80 to 100 mile ride so call me. We just want to get a long ride in before the bone ride in 2 and a half weeks. Later..
Thursday, April 26, 2007
3 Goofs
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Full House again
Nate is going to race the Whitnall Park race this weekend and then we are thinking maybe doing the Rock Cut race but his age group is 17 and under so maybe a nice long trail ride might be done instead. Just have to see how he is feeling after the race on Sat. It has been great as the MARS jr team has been tearing up the jr under 15 class so he is looking forward to racing this weekend. But as always Nate can't wait until the WORS races starts. Maddie doesn't really care either way. I have to register all of us later for the Iola race. Boy I can't believe that the race season is starting, so get your bike ready and see ya there. Time to eat. Later..
Monday, April 23, 2007
Russell's Supermate of the Week
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Kettle ride
Saturday, April 21, 2007
MARS Jr's on top again
This morning was the Brown Deer race and the Jr's again decided to take the top spots. Gage won the race, Mitch took 2nd place and Nate rolled in like 6th age group. As the race rolled out Mitch picked the speed up to see who followed. The entire group did today so the kids rode smart and let the others take some pulls. In the last lap Nate took the front and took Mitch and Gage on his wheel. At the last turn he pulled over to the side pinching the others that were on his side out of the sprint making it a easy 1,2 for the team. It was a great ride for the kids and like I said there will be many more wins to come. These 3 kids are beginning to click and should be able to keep their winning ways. Oh you should have seen Gage's face after he won, it was Priceless. Maybe with out Dad there he will race better ( just kidding ). I missed taking a picture of the finish as I was yelling and just blanked out, sorry..
Before the ride a bunch of went and did some cleaning of all the trash that the Tosa bums toss in the woods. We spent 90% of our time hauling out wood that the park workers cut up after the punks brought in to build a free park with. To see the amount of wood we hauled out check Russ's blog. As much work as it was it is always nice to give some back. Now time to get to CR and help clean my play ground.
Tomorrow we are sending Maddie and Nate to Eagle River for a class trip so down to 1 kid. Oh yea you have to love that. Also we are heading to the Southern Kettle for a ride at 12:30 if any of you are interested for a connector ride. Have to get the Punks things ready. Later..
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday Night World Championships

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Nates bike and my wheels.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Were is my tablet?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Maddie's ride and other stuff
Working on Nate's new race bike and I will get some pictures up once it is all done. It will be a sharp looking bike. I will have to check the weight of it when the job is done also. It already has way better stuff on it then most of my bikes. The Punk better race it like he stole it and of course beat Randy.
The Punks did a sprint work out today. I'm hoping it helped Nate get into the mind set that he can do a short sprint and not loose the wheel in front of him in the next race. Maddie is looking better I just need her to get the leg speed to be faster and her form better when she stands up on the bike. Nate has started softball so that will be taking up some time for awhile so the workouts will have to be very specific when he fits them in. My parents went back home so now I have to cover for all the help they do around here. Time to get dinner ready. Later..
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Mitch wins one for MARS
I got home and was able to get out on the SS for a spin. I tried riding the gravel utility road but it was wet and shitty. I got out for about 1.5 ours to just blow the carbon out after yesterdays ride. I have to say I can't wait till the Mtn. bike season starts. Then after the ride I had to go and help my parents start moving my Grandmas stuff out of her apartment. I have to say for a 88 year old person she has a lot of stuff. In her assisted living place she only needs a few things so a lot has to go. Now just chilling watching the NASCAR race. Later..
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Check... Done...
Friday, April 13, 2007
This and that
Going to take the day off the bike and meet some of the co workers for a few malted beverages after work tonight as I always skip these. I hope to be home at a good time to get some sleep so I don't Randy on the ride tomorrow. Last night was fun to watch the Exotics play again. Some of the best surf rock around so if ya get a chance catch one of their shows. Time to do some work. Later..
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Freak'n snow

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Blizzard April 07

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Do you hear that?
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Frozen stuff
Friday, April 06, 2007
Windy riding
Today we did our Good Friday ride from Lenny's. It is the ride we have done together for the last 5 plus years together. There was a nice group of 6 of us today. Len, Russell, Rick, John< Nate and myself. It was another windy ride as we headed into the wind in the beginning and rode with it on the way home. I was so windy that Russell was pulling into it and pedaling down hill and he was only going 15 miles and hour. We got another nice ride in and now just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. Time to run Nate to his friends house. Later..