Wednesday, April 30, 2008
News Flash
Like anyone doesn't know it. 7th and 8th kids do not sing loud enough for you to hear. The 4th, 5th and 6th graders sing loud enough for you to hear. I think once you get to 7th and 8th grade they are to cool to sing. It has been that way for the last 9 years of concert that we have gone to. They sing loud when they are young and as the get older they get quieter. At least this is in a concert as any other time they are loud and obnoxious. Fun time and home in time so Maddie could catch Idol. And no pictures as they turned off the lights except the stage and they asked that no pictures be taken. I took none but a few of the others thought that they were special and took some of their kids. What can you say? Losers comes to mind. Oh one other thing a little kid behind us was just talking and causing a lot of noise so I kindly asked them to be quiet and that worked. WT family so what do you expect. Later..
Check list
1. Nate's bike cleaned and lubed for the race.
2. My bike cleaned and lubed for the race.
3. Extra tires packed up for slightly wet conditions.
4. Down tube and rear fenders for slightly wet conditions.
5. Shoes and helmets packed for the race.
6. My car washed and waxed today as time is getting tighter with races.
7. Nate and Maddie getting ready for the spring concert tonight.
8. Camera home from school to take pictures of them.
Just getting busier as the end of the school year is coming and the races are coming up 2 and 3 a week. Well time to get a shower and get the kids to the concert. Later..
2. My bike cleaned and lubed for the race.
3. Extra tires packed up for slightly wet conditions.
4. Down tube and rear fenders for slightly wet conditions.
5. Shoes and helmets packed for the race.
6. My car washed and waxed today as time is getting tighter with races.
7. Nate and Maddie getting ready for the spring concert tonight.
8. Camera home from school to take pictures of them.
Just getting busier as the end of the school year is coming and the races are coming up 2 and 3 a week. Well time to get a shower and get the kids to the concert. Later..
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Good News
Cece got home from work and I asked her about the camera. She said she took it to school to take pictures of her students working in class. Man I wish she would have told me as I was ripping the counter, car and going through all the places that I thought it may have been. Good thing is it isn't lost. Later..
Were is my camera?
I have some pictures in the camera from the race over weekend and I was going to take some of Nate playing softball last night but I couldn't find it. I have to ask Cece where it is as she always knows and just maybe she took it to work again to take a few pictures of here students working on some project. I hope that is where it is as I remember taking it out of my pocket after the ride on Sunday. I don't feel like using the money from the Gov't to buy a new one. Just have to wait till she gets home to find out. Later..
Monday, April 28, 2008
Windy win
Today was another windy crappy cold day. I tested a bunch of pumps in the morning and man was it windy and cold. After that I decided to test scales and stay warm. I got home and Nate had a softball game and the wind was blowing and the temps were dropping as the game went on. I just have to wonder if some of these parents even have half a brain. They are sitting in their cars and the kids are just cold as hell in short selves and sweats. The wind played a factor as the other team had a hard time getting the ball over the plate and the girls were getting walked. Our boys were hitting and they got a few home runs in the game and they won 20-2 in 4 innings. I was glad when it ended as I was freezing. The good thing is that there is no more games this week so we may get a ride or 2 in before this weekend. Oh well see you at the race. Later..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Just Tooling around
With the sun in my eyes and the wind blowing my hair I called the Tool and asked if he was want'n to go for a ride. He said ah yeah as he wasn't been riding all week as his Achilles was tender. He called a few of the local clowns ( Bubba, Cooop ) and the lovely Ann so we went and rode the Tosa trails. We stayed on the trails by Hoyt park and found them to be in great shape. A side from having to keep riding past the hiding spot of Randy's and his empty cookie box and the little stick that took him out last October it was a great ride. Nothing to taxing on the legs and lungs but a steady riding and loving every minute of it. I feel a lot better now that I got a day riding some dirt before the Iola race next week. Still haven't decided if I want to race or just take the Boy to it. If I do it will be single speed but I don't know if it will be sport or comp. I will flip a coin the day of the race. I felt pretty good considering I raced the crit yesterday as the legs responded just fine. May have to fit those in more and maybe less of the travel to all the WORS races as they are getting further away and the crits are all with in an hour. See what Nate wants to do I guess. Speaking of the the Boy he is still with the Goat doing some trail work and riding. I should be hearing from them soon. I better get outside and clean the gardens and yard with Cece before I get yelled at. Later..
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Whitnall Park
I would post a few pictures but Cece has the camera yet after the first communion. The story goes that it was a good day as Gage went on a break with a kid and it stuck for the race. It impressive as the wind was brutal. Gage then went mano on mano and ended up with a great 2nd place finish. Nate, Mitch, and Myles then set it up for the field sprint. Mitch busted out for a nice 3rd, Myles 5th and Nate 7th. They all raced great and now are messing around here.
After the punks left I was talking to Dan B. and he said he was racing the masters race and so was John and Bob. I should join in too. I also was told by Glen and Mike G. I should come back and race. Well after freezing my half ass off I was wondering if it was a good idea. I called Len to see what he was up to and he had to go to the kids soccer games. So no ride with him. I didn't want to beat the wind by myself so I loaded the bike, gear got a sandwich and headed back to the race. I registered with J.T. and I was in. Got a semi warm up in and I was sore from planting my cani lillies but I was in. I was only hoping to make half the race with the wind and 2 hills but hell I made it to the end and just rolled it in again. I just don't want to mix it up at the finish as they are to wild for my taste. J.T. said he was scared at the end and I was just happy for making it to the finish with the field. So it was money well spent as a ride outside by myself would have sucked and I didn't fell like riding the rollers. I was a good and fast race with no crashes and the heart rate maxed out for a while. Now just have to watch the weather and then see what goes on tomorrow. Later..
After the punks left I was talking to Dan B. and he said he was racing the masters race and so was John and Bob. I should join in too. I also was told by Glen and Mike G. I should come back and race. Well after freezing my half ass off I was wondering if it was a good idea. I called Len to see what he was up to and he had to go to the kids soccer games. So no ride with him. I didn't want to beat the wind by myself so I loaded the bike, gear got a sandwich and headed back to the race. I registered with J.T. and I was in. Got a semi warm up in and I was sore from planting my cani lillies but I was in. I was only hoping to make half the race with the wind and 2 hills but hell I made it to the end and just rolled it in again. I just don't want to mix it up at the finish as they are to wild for my taste. J.T. said he was scared at the end and I was just happy for making it to the finish with the field. So it was money well spent as a ride outside by myself would have sucked and I didn't fell like riding the rollers. I was a good and fast race with no crashes and the heart rate maxed out for a while. Now just have to watch the weather and then see what goes on tomorrow. Later..
Light's Out
Last Night about 7:15 the lights went off and on about 4 times during the storm. When they went out for the last time the inter net didn't come back with the power. So it was watch a Warren Miller movie and hit the sack early. Everyone was sleeping early as we have a long day planned. Nate has a race early today and then is going with Jeremey to do some more riding and they may go and do some trail work if the weather allows. Cece is going to a funeral for a friends father who passed away. Then the girls and I are heading to a 1st communion for my Niece this after noon. I'm going to try to fit a ride in after Nate's race. Later..
Thursday, April 24, 2008
No go
I heard from a good source at about 1:30 that the rain was a moving in. I got home and checked the radar on line and I 'm thinking the rain is going to be here soon. Plus after the work that Alan did to the bike there is no way that I'm going to take it out int he rain the very next day. Hell there was still a water drop in the stem bolt from 2 weeks ago. A good day to take a day off the bike. I'm going to go out and see if the Fat Boy starts instead. Later..
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Like Butter
It has been 4 years, a bunch of miles, rain, sweat and dirt on my road bike. I have just for the first time had the cables, housing, and drive train all replaced. After the race Saturday and having to half shift to get the chain to move up and the brakes being stiff and non responsive I figured it was time for Alan at Ben's to work his magic. So I took it into the shop today during my break and stopped by after work and he was just bringing it up from a good washing. He then redid everything and it looks great and rides even better. I kept the bike in decent shape all along, but the cables had gotten very rusty and didn't come back like they should have and the big chain ring was pretty worn so it was long over do. I knew it at the end of last year, but I held out longer knowing that I would be riding it on the rollers and that the spring weather is never all that nice so it was time for a little TLC. Thanks Alan for making my bike ride and look like new again. Money well spent. I can't wait till the Thursday group ride now as the bike should actually ride a ton better. Later..
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Another Win
Nate had another softball game and the team won 9-2. They looked good except a few of the kids are still swinging at real bad pitches. Some of the girls are just there to socialize though so they are never in the game. If they win that is OK but I wish they actually cared and took the game serious but that won't change so just winning is the good thing. Now Nate and I have to try to fit a few rides in as the games are taking up the training time. But the weather is getting nicer and that will come in time. Later..
Monday, April 21, 2008
Pictures from yesterday and a win
Still rolling along near home.
Today was Nate's first ball game. We were still short a few players as of Friday but the kids talked to a few of their classmates and now we have 11 players for the games. They won today but I think the games will be a lot closer then last year. Nate had a few good hits and stopped all he balls that were hit to him at 3rd. He had some nice throws to first for the put outs also. They won 9-5. The team played well but had 1 bad inning and the other team scored all their runs but then they shut them down for the win. The next game is tomorrow and I think they should be OK but only time will tell. Later..
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A nice Spin in the Country
Today was a laid back ride to East Troy for lunch and then back to West Allis. The ride was to go off at 11 but there was a miss communication from Sammi to Aaron. He got there at 11:30 and off we were. I have to say I forgot how Jeff starts a ride. It is at 120rpm and 25 miles and hour into the wind. Not a problem but I knew it would be a factor in the ride later. We were rolling along and went up Tans hill and a car buzzed Nate, Jeff and I and then Sammi and Aaron were up the road and I noticed it was close to them also. Aaron put it into turbo and caught the guy at the stop sign and was talking to him and I see him yelling at Aaron saying why are you guys out rinding in this nice weather isn't there something better to do? Aaron was nice and the guy looked like he was ready to get out of the car and I rolled up and he looked twice and called us nice names and left. We were in the middle of no where and this guy was made that we were enjoying the nice weather as he was enjoying his smoke. Well after that the ride and weather were awesome. Well until I got a flat. We looked and the rim strip moved and the adhesive was messed up from the rain ride last week. We went to the gas station and got some electrical tape and that worked. Well again about 15 miles later I got another flat but we think it was from the tube being in the fanny pack for so long. Fixed it again and off to East Troy for lunch. Ate a quick sub and turned our nose into the wind and rode it home. We had to wait for John at the top of most of the hills as he was suffering, I think the fast rolling at the start was the factor for him. Nate had no problem today and said that it was fun and I think waiting for John kept Nate out of the suffer I can't make it box. I was on the edge as I rode behind Nate all day to prevent anyone having to as he is no draft at all and it was like riding at the front even though you weren't. It was fun to see him react to everything and ride so well. He rode great and had no problems all day on the ride. It ended up being 66.50 miles at a 19mph because we went slow waiting for John. I think if John was in better shape easily a 20 plus average today with Aaron and Jeff pulling at 23 into the wind. Those 2 are something to ride with. Fun day great weather int he 70's and great friends to ride with. I hope everyone else had a great day of racing and riding. Now it is time to grill some pork chops. I think Nate is napping or laying down as he was tired at the end. A few pictures later as Jess was on the computer in the Disney site and I was not getting on the main computer only the lap top. Later..
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Racing around
Nate and I hit up a WCA race today in a Park out in the sticks some where. The directions were good but not great. After seeing a few bikes going one direction and then a bunch going in the other we were all messed up. I had Nate try to pull the place in the GPS but he was lost in doing that this morning. I seen Rich in the photo thing he drives and followed him and then Lowell came out his drive and he lead the way there. We were about to just bag it as we were all turned around and then got lucky and found someone to follow. All good I guess.
Once we got there Jeremey and Jeff were in the parking lot so we pulled in and Nate got ready as I got him all registered for his race. There was a good sized kids field again as there was about 15 kids toeing the start line. It was a real good race today as the boys covered all the moves and the race stayed together for once. As they came around the last turn I could see that none of the boys were in the lead but Nate did pull off a 3rd, Gage a 5th and Mitch a 7th. In all it was a great race for the boys and I think they Will start to kick it in real soon and the results will show. I forgot the camera again so no pictures again.
Then I opened the wallet and deiced to put my USCF license to use and registered for the Masters 3/4 race. I did it as Danny and John said that they were going to race and it has been about 5 years since I have done a USCF crit. The ABR stuff in the springs don't count. Dan and I were able to get a nice warm up in as my legs felt like crap this morning, maybe the Thursday beat down has something to do with it. Well after the warm up they felt pretty good. We got to the line and then the race started and I whiffed my pedal big time and went from second row to one of the last down the straight. Man that sucked as some dork had to go hard right at the start so I was red lined for the for half a lap. It settled down after that and I was able to surf the front half of the group for the rest of the race. The race had a bunch of guys that tried to break off but it never happened and then it came down to the last lap and the 90 degree final turn and I was in like 15th so I just sat up and rolled in 30th and 13th in age. Not a bad race for the first one in a long time and 55 at the start. It was almost 19 miles at a 25.2 mph average. Enough fun that I may try one again some time.
Just to let you all know there is always a guy in a crit always talking the entire time telling everyone what they are doing wrong. The nice guy I am I told him to shut it and it lasted for a lap or 2 and then he was at it again and some guy tells him to F&%$ off. Well words are going and I tell them both to shut up and the other guy comes up and asked me what I was going to do about it. I told him what I would do and he fell back a bunch of spots and I didn't see him till the end and he came up and said he was sorry. How nice I thought.
At the race we talked and all 3 of us think the if the Rock Cut race is on tomorrow we are skipping it. As the rain for the last few days out there and the fact that the race is pretty far away and the price of gas is getting up there that we would just ride around here. So tomorrow Nate and I are going to ride with Jeff, Samantha, Dan, John and maybe a few others from West Allis to East Troy. Have lunch and then ride back for a nice long ride. I would like to ride on some dirt but it will have to wait a little longer. Once the trails dry up around here then we will practice mtn biking, until then we will just get in a few longer rides. Later..
Once we got there Jeremey and Jeff were in the parking lot so we pulled in and Nate got ready as I got him all registered for his race. There was a good sized kids field again as there was about 15 kids toeing the start line. It was a real good race today as the boys covered all the moves and the race stayed together for once. As they came around the last turn I could see that none of the boys were in the lead but Nate did pull off a 3rd, Gage a 5th and Mitch a 7th. In all it was a great race for the boys and I think they Will start to kick it in real soon and the results will show. I forgot the camera again so no pictures again.
Then I opened the wallet and deiced to put my USCF license to use and registered for the Masters 3/4 race. I did it as Danny and John said that they were going to race and it has been about 5 years since I have done a USCF crit. The ABR stuff in the springs don't count. Dan and I were able to get a nice warm up in as my legs felt like crap this morning, maybe the Thursday beat down has something to do with it. Well after the warm up they felt pretty good. We got to the line and then the race started and I whiffed my pedal big time and went from second row to one of the last down the straight. Man that sucked as some dork had to go hard right at the start so I was red lined for the for half a lap. It settled down after that and I was able to surf the front half of the group for the rest of the race. The race had a bunch of guys that tried to break off but it never happened and then it came down to the last lap and the 90 degree final turn and I was in like 15th so I just sat up and rolled in 30th and 13th in age. Not a bad race for the first one in a long time and 55 at the start. It was almost 19 miles at a 25.2 mph average. Enough fun that I may try one again some time.
Just to let you all know there is always a guy in a crit always talking the entire time telling everyone what they are doing wrong. The nice guy I am I told him to shut it and it lasted for a lap or 2 and then he was at it again and some guy tells him to F&%$ off. Well words are going and I tell them both to shut up and the other guy comes up and asked me what I was going to do about it. I told him what I would do and he fell back a bunch of spots and I didn't see him till the end and he came up and said he was sorry. How nice I thought.
At the race we talked and all 3 of us think the if the Rock Cut race is on tomorrow we are skipping it. As the rain for the last few days out there and the fact that the race is pretty far away and the price of gas is getting up there that we would just ride around here. So tomorrow Nate and I are going to ride with Jeff, Samantha, Dan, John and maybe a few others from West Allis to East Troy. Have lunch and then ride back for a nice long ride. I would like to ride on some dirt but it will have to wait a little longer. Once the trails dry up around here then we will practice mtn biking, until then we will just get in a few longer rides. Later..
Friday, April 18, 2008
Taco Night
Tonight is Taco Night at the school where Cece teaches. It is a night that the school has a all you can eat taco buffet and a talent show of kids from the classes at the school. Last year it was crowed as heck but it was a blast. I also won a year of Warner cable, phone and road runner so it was worth the trip.
Weekend low down. Nate has a race in the morning in Menominee Falls and I'm going to race the Masters 3/4 race. It has been a while since I toed the line for a crit or road race but I figure why not give it a shot again. It has been 2 years since a crit so it should be fun. Then on Sunday we are loading up for the cut Rock race. Nate wants to go so here we go to the full throttle race season. See you at the races. Later..
Weekend low down. Nate has a race in the morning in Menominee Falls and I'm going to race the Masters 3/4 race. It has been a while since I toed the line for a crit or road race but I figure why not give it a shot again. It has been 2 years since a crit so it should be fun. Then on Sunday we are loading up for the cut Rock race. Nate wants to go so here we go to the full throttle race season. See you at the races. Later..
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thursday night group ride
I was working outside all day again and the wind was killing me. It dropped like 20 degrees and I was thinking that with the busy things going on at home that i would skip the ride. I got my stuff ready and then Maddie said her ride to her Girl Scouts. Man I was thinking that I had to get her there and then she said she could walk there and I would pick her up. Nate had softball practice at the park 4 houses away so no problem there. Jessie went with Cece to her awards banquet and that worked as only one guest could go anyhow. Now that left me the time to get to the group ride. I got there with about 5 minutes to spare and got ready just in time to roll out with the group. It was a nice group of about 11 at the start and then it dropped to 8 for the ride in. It was a brisk pace 30 mph with the wind and a nice 21-22 in to the wind. I'm glad that there was a few of the guys that just sat at the front pulled us along. It sure was nice that everything worked out that I was able to sneak in the ride tonight. Also the wind died down as the ride went on and the rain never showed up so it was a great night. Later..
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The weather was great all day. I had a early appointment at the airport to test a Jet A fuel truck meter. It was nice at 9 this morning when I got there. A side from the wind it was great to just be outside working today. Man I love when the weather gets nice as I get to be outside all day and that makes my job that much tolerable.
Got home and got the Epic out and Theo's Dad Ted picked it up. I hope it works out for Theo till he gets his bike put together. Like I said it is just sitting there in the basement collecting dust so it may as well get used as I got 3 other ones that I ride. I just hope that he don't mind racing a full suspension as he is used to a hard tail. It is a nice bike and he should have no problems getting it dialed in to his liking. All I have to say it ride like you stole it. Enjoy the ride.
Then today Nate and I went for a nice mtn bike ride on some trails by Thomas More. They were a little soft but you could still ride them. There was also a bunch of downed trees and branches but easily ride over it all. There was also a bunch of dog walkers so we just rode all the trails and then headed out for a nice ride home. It was awesome to ride in nothing but shorts and a jersey again although it sounds like that is coming to a end tomorrow. I hope that the rain holds off tomorrow so we come get the group ride in. If not that is OK as Nate has a softball practice, Maddie has girl scouts and Cece has a dinner for a grant thing she did at school. So if the rain stops a few things that makes the night a lot easier. Oh well time to get the punks moving and showered. Later..
Got home and got the Epic out and Theo's Dad Ted picked it up. I hope it works out for Theo till he gets his bike put together. Like I said it is just sitting there in the basement collecting dust so it may as well get used as I got 3 other ones that I ride. I just hope that he don't mind racing a full suspension as he is used to a hard tail. It is a nice bike and he should have no problems getting it dialed in to his liking. All I have to say it ride like you stole it. Enjoy the ride.
Then today Nate and I went for a nice mtn bike ride on some trails by Thomas More. They were a little soft but you could still ride them. There was also a bunch of downed trees and branches but easily ride over it all. There was also a bunch of dog walkers so we just rode all the trails and then headed out for a nice ride home. It was awesome to ride in nothing but shorts and a jersey again although it sounds like that is coming to a end tomorrow. I hope that the rain holds off tomorrow so we come get the group ride in. If not that is OK as Nate has a softball practice, Maddie has girl scouts and Cece has a dinner for a grant thing she did at school. So if the rain stops a few things that makes the night a lot easier. Oh well time to get the punks moving and showered. Later..
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
More time taken up
It's that year again and Nate is playing softball for his school. For the last few weeks Nate has been asking at school when does this all begin. Well today I get a call at work and Nate says I have softball practice today at 5pm. Well now that will take up every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday every week for the next 5 weeks. That sure messes up the training again for a while for him and me. Oh well it looks like some extra time on the trainer and maybe a few night rides if the trails ever dry up.
I also had a school board meeting tonight so with the nice weather, well a little windy I couldn't even get out on the bike. Like I said I have 7 months of nicer weather coming up so I guess the riding will have to wait again. I do really like watching the kids play ball and the missed riding is OK as you can always ride and never get the days of watching your kids play sports back. Here is to missed rides but kids having fun together. Later..
I also had a school board meeting tonight so with the nice weather, well a little windy I couldn't even get out on the bike. Like I said I have 7 months of nicer weather coming up so I guess the riding will have to wait again. I do really like watching the kids play ball and the missed riding is OK as you can always ride and never get the days of watching your kids play sports back. Here is to missed rides but kids having fun together. Later..
Monday, April 14, 2008
Well even with the nice temps all I did was a easy ride to roll the 3 1/2 hours out from yesterday. The legs felt good even after the long ride. Then it was getting my Epic that I got back from Lenny yesterday. I'm not going to use it yet, I'm going to lend it to Theo for a while as he gets his race bike ready. I figure if it is sitting around collecting dust I may as well let some one abuse it for a while. I will try riding and racing it again down the road but for now the single speed and the hard tail work fine. After that it was time to wash the dirt and bird crap off the truck and car. I like the warm weather as now I can keep both of the vehicles clean as I hate driving a dirty car or truck. I hate riding a dirty bike a little more. Although as it goes my bikes could always be a little cleaner. The weather looks even better tomorrow and as you would know I have a school board meeting. Oh well I have another 6 months of nice weather coming so I will just have to wait another day. Later..
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Just alittle windy
Today's ride was a nice 3 1/2 ride for Nate and I. We headed down to Franklin to meet with Danny, Jeff, Kyle and John. With our tail wind and the head wind that they had to fight to get to us it made the meeting time off by a little. Once they got there we headed out with a nice cross tail wind for a loop around Wind Lake and back to Racine. The wind seemed to be coming in our face every where we turned. I have to say that Jeff has a motor that never stops. Thanks for taking a lot of the time in the front as I had a hour and a half getting Nate to and from there. Nate rode great and was never in the hurt locker until the end to Cece's mothers house. It was nice to get another longer ride in with some of the team mates. I was happy that the last stretch to Cece's Mothers house in Racine after breaking off from the group was with a tail wind. We made it a little later then expected as dinner was being put on the table but none the less we made it there. It was a nice dinner and then it was time to get home as Nate forgot till today that he had home work to do. Yeah right on that one. So a nice ride and about 15 miles today makes it a great day. Hope that you all got a nice ride in today as it was a tad cool and windy but still nice. Later..
What is that?
Got up this morning and there was something blinding me. Holly crap it is the sun and you know what that means. Time to fill some bottles, load the pockets, pump the tires and get the bikes out on the road for a nice ride. Talked to Danny so Nate and I are going to meet the team ride in Franklin for a ride around Wind Lake. Nate and I will then finish the ride to Racine for a dinner with Cece's Mom. Should be a nice 3 hour ride give or take a few minutes for Nate and I.
Nate did miss the WCA race in Madison today as we had to make the plans to have a day to celebrate Cece's Mom's birthday. Plus with the gas prices the races we are going to do this year are going to closer to home and more car pooling then in the past. Plus more bmx then the track as the bmx is in our back yard and the velodrome is a 90 mile round trip. Just trying to save a few pennies here and there.
Time to get the riding stuff ready and the clothes for Cece to take for us to change into after the ride to here Mothers house. Also what a difference a few days make as my body feels better now that the Rhinelander decision is done. It would have been a good opportunity if it all fit together but that was not the case so just have to keep the roots here. See you on the road or race soon. Later..
Nate did miss the WCA race in Madison today as we had to make the plans to have a day to celebrate Cece's Mom's birthday. Plus with the gas prices the races we are going to do this year are going to closer to home and more car pooling then in the past. Plus more bmx then the track as the bmx is in our back yard and the velodrome is a 90 mile round trip. Just trying to save a few pennies here and there.
Time to get the riding stuff ready and the clothes for Cece to take for us to change into after the ride to here Mothers house. Also what a difference a few days make as my body feels better now that the Rhinelander decision is done. It would have been a good opportunity if it all fit together but that was not the case so just have to keep the roots here. See you on the road or race soon. Later..
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Pic's of the weekend
The cool ring he got.
I have many more but these couple sum it up. Hope you all get a ride in this weekend. I'm watching and DVR'n the Little 500 in HDNET. It looks to be a good one. Later..
Friday, April 11, 2008
Too much
To much rain..
To much work..
To much to think about at work.
I got offered the job in Rhinelander yesterday. Cece and I have been talking and all the pieces to make it the right thing won't line up. So I have to call and tell them that I won't be able to accept the job. It would have been a good move and all but with the lower pay and the fact that Cece wouldn't have a job at first or even a job teaching at any of the schools in the area we had to say no. Maybe next time.
I can't wait until next week as the weather looks a ton better and then maybe we can get more time on the bikes. There is a WCA race in Madison this weekend but we have a family thing with Cece's family so we may skip the race and just ride ride to Racine, do family thingy and ride back home. Just can't fit it all in. You know 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag as always. Later..
To much work..
To much to think about at work.
I got offered the job in Rhinelander yesterday. Cece and I have been talking and all the pieces to make it the right thing won't line up. So I have to call and tell them that I won't be able to accept the job. It would have been a good move and all but with the lower pay and the fact that Cece wouldn't have a job at first or even a job teaching at any of the schools in the area we had to say no. Maybe next time.
I can't wait until next week as the weather looks a ton better and then maybe we can get more time on the bikes. There is a WCA race in Madison this weekend but we have a family thing with Cece's family so we may skip the race and just ride ride to Racine, do family thingy and ride back home. Just can't fit it all in. You know 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag as always. Later..
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
I'm getting a little tired of the rain. But looking at the weather for Rhinelander they are going to get hit with another 4-8 inches of snow. Speaking of Rhinelander I had another over the phone interview today. They were just asking a few more questions and just reassuring the answers they got yesterday. It went well and the persons asking the questions are extremely nice. It would be a really nice place to work and the opportunity would be great. If the offer comes through I would have a tough decision to make. I need to make a list of reasons to go and reasons to stay. Man what did I get myself into? Now back to the rain, I need to get out and ride more soon. Even if I don't race as much this year I need to ride my bike to keep from going crazy, well crazier then I am.
I'm watching the women's NCAA championship game and I think it is better then the guys games any day. Those women are great shooters and better team players then any of the guys teams. I don't care which team really wins but the Tennessee seems to all ways win so it would be nice to see Stanford win just because. Back to the game. Later..
I'm watching the women's NCAA championship game and I think it is better then the guys games any day. Those women are great shooters and better team players then any of the guys teams. I don't care which team really wins but the Tennessee seems to all ways win so it would be nice to see Stanford win just because. Back to the game. Later..
Monday, April 07, 2008
Long one
Boy was that a long weekend.
Friday was the St. Pat's party at Steve's. Always fun and a little longer this year as we had to wait at least an 1 1/2 hours so some one could get rid of his Margarita and Whiskey. Would have been home at a reasonable midnight but after the extra errands it was a 3am. All good though as we all made it home safe. I would do it any time for anyone to ensure that everyone gets home safely.
Saturday was the WFCA banquet and my brother Wade getting induct ted into the Coaches Hall Of Fame. It was a real nice ceremony and dinner. We then all sat around and talked and had a few beers. Again though I got to bed about 2am. Well worth it as my brother earned the induction.
Sunday was a nice brunch with everyone and then the good byes to friends and family before the drive to Rhinelander. My parents and I got there about 3pm and settled in and ate dinner. With the fire my Dad had going it was not to long and 3 of us were sleeping. We got up and headed into the bedrooms for some well deserved sleep.
This morning I got up and ate few bowls if cereal and ad a few cups of coffee to settle the nerves before the interview. I got there about 20 minutes early and the staff got together and we started early. That was nice as it went about 10 longer also. It went well and now I just have to wait and see. It was for a job working for the Oneida Health dept. I would be doing food inspections again and a few other added duties for them. Just had to see what else was out there. Then I drove back to my parents for a nice lunch and the drive home. Got home at 4:30 and then Nate and I got a workout in. Now I'm relaxing and watching the Tour Of Flanders. Good race even though I know the results.
Short work week and a few things going on every day at or after work every day now. That makes it heck tic but, the week goes by fast. Later..
Friday was the St. Pat's party at Steve's. Always fun and a little longer this year as we had to wait at least an 1 1/2 hours so some one could get rid of his Margarita and Whiskey. Would have been home at a reasonable midnight but after the extra errands it was a 3am. All good though as we all made it home safe. I would do it any time for anyone to ensure that everyone gets home safely.
Saturday was the WFCA banquet and my brother Wade getting induct ted into the Coaches Hall Of Fame. It was a real nice ceremony and dinner. We then all sat around and talked and had a few beers. Again though I got to bed about 2am. Well worth it as my brother earned the induction.
Sunday was a nice brunch with everyone and then the good byes to friends and family before the drive to Rhinelander. My parents and I got there about 3pm and settled in and ate dinner. With the fire my Dad had going it was not to long and 3 of us were sleeping. We got up and headed into the bedrooms for some well deserved sleep.
This morning I got up and ate few bowls if cereal and ad a few cups of coffee to settle the nerves before the interview. I got there about 20 minutes early and the staff got together and we started early. That was nice as it went about 10 longer also. It went well and now I just have to wait and see. It was for a job working for the Oneida Health dept. I would be doing food inspections again and a few other added duties for them. Just had to see what else was out there. Then I drove back to my parents for a nice lunch and the drive home. Got home at 4:30 and then Nate and I got a workout in. Now I'm relaxing and watching the Tour Of Flanders. Good race even though I know the results.
Short work week and a few things going on every day at or after work every day now. That makes it heck tic but, the week goes by fast. Later..
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Awesome event
Last night at the WFCA banquet it was a great time. Seeing my brother inducted into the Football Coaches Hall Of Fame was cool. The results that he had over the years that he coached were Tops. He was a great coach that was able to be a coach for 2 State titles and a runner up once. He also won many conference titles and the list could go on. My family along with my brother his friend Ken, my Mom and Dad and Aunts and Uncles that supported him through out his coaching years. Many of his former players attended as did a lot of his friends. Fun time till the wee hours of the morning again.
Today we all meet for a brunch and then said our goodbyes and went our ways. I'm in Rhinelander right now as I have a interview tomorrow morning. I hope it goes well and the news down the road are great. More to come on that later. Cece and the kids went home as I headed north. There is still a foot plus of snow in the woods here and maybe some rain or snow tomorrow afternoon. I hope to be on the road by that time. Time to catch the rest of the NASCAR race. Later..
Today we all meet for a brunch and then said our goodbyes and went our ways. I'm in Rhinelander right now as I have a interview tomorrow morning. I hope it goes well and the news down the road are great. More to come on that later. Cece and the kids went home as I headed north. There is still a foot plus of snow in the woods here and maybe some rain or snow tomorrow afternoon. I hope to be on the road by that time. Time to catch the rest of the NASCAR race. Later..
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Light weight

Guess who this is and you can have something from the Tool shed's basement.

Just let it be said there is a light weight amongst us. The light weight was making friends with the porcelain god. I slept in because I got home at 3am after driving him home and John driving me back home, thanks John. I will try to get a little ride in today but that may not happen with the busy weekend we have going on.
Last night Steve served a great batch of corned beef and cabbage. The whiskey again put the topping on the night. We killed the entire bottle again before leaving and it hit a few hard. Well at least someone real hard. We then sat around talking shit about each other and getting shit from Jack. It was the high light of the night again. Finally after getting Russell to move we headed home and let Steve get some rest. Thanks again to Steve for a great night.
Now it is time to get things rolling to get to Wade's induction to the Wisconsin Football Coaches Hall Of Fame. Later..
Friday, April 04, 2008
St Pat's Day
Today we are going to celebrate the St Pat's day at Steve's. Like always it should be a blast and someone should be the life of the party.
Tomorrow it is a early ride and then of the Madison to attend Wade's induction to the Wisconsin Football Coaches Hall Of Fame. Have a good ride and enjoy the weather. Later..
Tomorrow it is a early ride and then of the Madison to attend Wade's induction to the Wisconsin Football Coaches Hall Of Fame. Have a good ride and enjoy the weather. Later..
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Rainy ride / WFCA
Tonight Nate and I loaded the bikes on top of the car and headed for the Thursday group ride. When we got there it was a light turn out. I don't know if everyone was scared off by the cool temps or the rain in the forecast. For the ride it was a group of Aaron, Bubba Russell, Rick, Glen, Nate and myself. We rolled out and the rain started to hit us around Lake Danoon grade school. We tried to go a few different directions to try out run the rain but that didn't happen. We ended up riding home in the rain as Aaron was nice enough to pull us home at a nice swift pace. It turned out being about 1 1/2 hours only but a nice ride. It was a cold rainy night but the ride was enjoyable. Tomorrow is the St Pat's celebration by Steve's so that should be fun.
This weekend we are going to Madison to attend the induction of my brother Wade into the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association. He was Head coach at a school up north near Eau Claire and Hudson. He won the State title once as Head coach and once as an asst. coach. His team was also a runner up once. We are very proud of him and we had blast going to many of his games over the years. We are looking forward to the ceremony and the time with him. Congrats again Wade. Later..
This weekend we are going to Madison to attend the induction of my brother Wade into the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association. He was Head coach at a school up north near Eau Claire and Hudson. He won the State title once as Head coach and once as an asst. coach. His team was also a runner up once. We are very proud of him and we had blast going to many of his games over the years. We are looking forward to the ceremony and the time with him. Congrats again Wade. Later..
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Last Look
Here is the last look at the bmx track today before the dirt is hauled away. Without the gate area and the banners hanging it sure looks a lot bigger then it really is. Today we took the stuff out and stored it in the shed out back for the summer. It took only 4 hours to get the job done and then next week the front end loaders come in and remove all the dirt and store it outside for the summer before next year. Now it is outdoor racing and racing the big bikes again. Later..
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Moving up
After a few more training rides I have figured it is time to take a shot at the elite field. I'm not getting any younger so now is the time. I figure if I get a coach and hit the road in the rain and cold I can do it. I get a NORBA license so I may as well go for it. Nate is going Comp and as we go to the races so we may as well get our monies worth. Nate is as always fine with the move up. See you at the races. Later..
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