Sunday, November 30, 2008
Head'n out
Today is the last day here at Wade's. It is snowing today and that should make it a interesting drive home. So we didn't get a deer this year so that makes it easy that we don't have to run it in any where when I get home. We will hunt here again next year and hope to get a deer then. My Mom is making homemade waffles for breakfast and mine is ready. Later..
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Oh Well
Last night Nate went over to Ezra's and stayed the night so he could go and sit in their stand bright and early. He got there at 6:45 and they then walked to my stand at my stand around 11. They didn't see a deer and neither did I. We then headed in and I'm done hunting for the year. Time to drink a few beers and relax.
Then Cece, Mom, Dad, Tim and I went to the Cady cheese factory for the real good fresh cheese. While we were gone Wade and the kids got his tree up and decorated and it looks real good. Now I have to get ours when awe get home and put ours up. Time for a beer. Later..
Then Cece, Mom, Dad, Tim and I went to the Cady cheese factory for the real good fresh cheese. While we were gone Wade and the kids got his tree up and decorated and it looks real good. Now I have to get ours when awe get home and put ours up. Time for a beer. Later..
Friday, November 28, 2008
Empty hooks
The rest of the gang got here about noon. Just got in from the stand and like the other days I didn't see a thing. Got the truck unloaded and then ate a small lunch and got Nate dressed in orange and headed back out to the stand for more fresh air and quite time in the woods. Nate and I spent 3 1/2 hours in the stand and didn't see a thing. Well 1 more day of hunting for us and maybe we will get a chance yet.
Cece took her Mom to the twin cities to spend the spend the weekend with Cece's brother and then she came back for a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Then on Sunday Cece's brother is driving her Mom back here so we can head it back to Milwaukee after a great time away from the crazy world. Now we are watching the Grinch that stole Christmas. Later..
Cece took her Mom to the twin cities to spend the spend the weekend with Cece's brother and then she came back for a nice Thanksgiving dinner. Then on Sunday Cece's brother is driving her Mom back here so we can head it back to Milwaukee after a great time away from the crazy world. Now we are watching the Grinch that stole Christmas. Later..
I have been sleeping in every morning except the opening morning. My alarm goes off at 5:30 but I just turn it off and then roll back over. I figure the deer are sleeping in too as it is to cool in the morning to move. It is nice to get the 9 hours of sleep every night as that never happens at home. I plan on going out in a few minutes after I get something to eat for breakfast.
I will also miss the big shopping day that most of you are hitting to catch the big deals, my loss I guess. The rest of the gang should be here it about 3 hours so the noise level should get crazy high and the peace and quite will something of the past. Nate is going to come out and sit in the deer stand with me or my Dad. Time to see if he can just sit there and not move for 3 to 4 hours. Maybe we will see a deer that we will be able to get a shot at. Oh well time to get out and hunt. Later..
I will also miss the big shopping day that most of you are hitting to catch the big deals, my loss I guess. The rest of the gang should be here it about 3 hours so the noise level should get crazy high and the peace and quite will something of the past. Nate is going to come out and sit in the deer stand with me or my Dad. Time to see if he can just sit there and not move for 3 to 4 hours. Maybe we will see a deer that we will be able to get a shot at. Oh well time to get out and hunt. Later..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
More warmth

This morning we got out and cut a bunch of trees down and then split and stacked it for Wade. He now has more wood then ever before and can sit back and enjoy the warmth. After that my Dad and I want back to the Police Chief's place to hunt and with the gusting winds we didn't see a thing. Oh well at least we don;t have to worry about what to do with a deer right now. Still 3 days to get one though.
Talked to Cece today and the rest of the family is going to her mothers for Thanksgiving. Wish I could be in both spots at the same time. But I'm lucky as Cece, my brother Tim, the kids and her Mom are coming up here tomorrow. So I guess I'm lucky as we still get to have a great Thanksgiving together. I can't wait.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone....
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Chief's Casa
Today we got more trees cut down, split and stacked. More to to come tomorrow as we are cutting a few more and cutting a few that blew over in a recent storm. After the work was done for the day my Dad and I went over to the Chief's house to hunt. Mt Dad went to a deer stand at the edge of the woods and I went to a corner of 4 fields. I sat in the sun and read my book watching and waiting for some deer. About 4pm I look to the field to my right and see 4 doe coming my way. I kept an eye on them and was hoping that they would hop the fence by me as there was the Chief's house and then his neighbors house in the direction I had to shoot. No luck as they looked at he fence and then turned and walked away. No deer hanging yet. Maybe tomorrow as we are going to go back to hunt by the Chiefs after we get some work done in the morning. I need a beer. Later..
Another cold one
It is 16 degrees this morning and we are getting ready to cut a few more trees down and split the wood we did yesterday. Unlike the die hard hunters we get to the stand early only opening day, after that we sleep in. Nothing like getting 9 hours a night. Then we get wood for Wade and hunt for a few hours in the afternoon. I do hope to get a deer but the fact that one isn't hanging is no big problem. Like I said we are going to go hunting on the farm of the Chief of Police from Baldwin. He has said that there is a lot of doe and some bucks running around. So there is hope that we may get one. I need some coffee and then out to cut and split some wood. Later..
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Luck still holding
The luck is still holding as there is nothing hanging here. Like Jim and Kenny said the deer count is a messed up. People see deer in the parks in the city and they think deer are every where. There is not as many as they say up here, as when we are here we never see that many, even when I ride in the woods and the rail trails. I heard 2 shots all afternoon today and they were pretty far away.
My Dad and I cut down 8 trees this morning as it was 11 degrees this morning and we didn't feel like sitting out there freezing again. Got the trees cut and then had a lunch and sat in the stands for 4 hours and didn't hear or see a thing. Wade got home from work today and the Chief of Police has invited my Dad and I to hunt on his farm as his kid is shooting and missing a bunch of deer. So we are heading there tomorrow afternoon and maybe we will get a shot at a deer, if we are lucky to see one. We just want to get the doe and then if a buck would come along we can shoot it. We are in the earn a buck area. Then maybe we will hunt there the next day again. Then tomorrow morning we are going to cut a few more trees down and haul the wood up for Wade. Got to give something back since he is letting us hunt and stay here for a week. Time for a few beers. Later..
My Dad and I cut down 8 trees this morning as it was 11 degrees this morning and we didn't feel like sitting out there freezing again. Got the trees cut and then had a lunch and sat in the stands for 4 hours and didn't hear or see a thing. Wade got home from work today and the Chief of Police has invited my Dad and I to hunt on his farm as his kid is shooting and missing a bunch of deer. So we are heading there tomorrow afternoon and maybe we will get a shot at a deer, if we are lucky to see one. We just want to get the doe and then if a buck would come along we can shoot it. We are in the earn a buck area. Then maybe we will hunt there the next day again. Then tomorrow morning we are going to cut a few more trees down and haul the wood up for Wade. Got to give something back since he is letting us hunt and stay here for a week. Time for a few beers. Later..
Monday, November 24, 2008
Nothing Hanging
I walked out this morning and kicked up 2 doe. I was hoping that they would turn in and head towards my Dad but they stayed in the field and ran away from him. Just our luck. I then headed to the stand and I sat there for a couple of hours and didn't see a thing. I didn't hear any shots today either. When I got in for lunch my Dad said that he seen a doe that was limping around as if it was shot. He found some blood on the ATV trail and tried to track it and couldn't find where it went. I went out after lunch and tried and went through all the areas around and couldn't fine any trace of the deer. I went and sat in the stand for a couple of hours and again I didn't hear any shots or see any deer. Then I walked out and ran into my Dad and the both of us tried to track the deer again and couldn't find it. Well more hunting tomorrow. Later..
Day 3
Seen nothing in the afternoon yesterday, not even birds or squirrels. Hopefully it gets a little better as the other hunters leave to go to work and the deer get back in the normal routine. Have been getting out later in the morning because I don't want to freeze my ass off for the first hour or two. Well time to walk the mile and a half to the stand. Later..
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Early morning
Went pout again this morning and sat in the stand. I didn't see a deer again but I did see a bunch off squirrels messing around and a few birds. Hope for better luck later today. Hope everyone is having fun at the State cross race. Later..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Day 1
Went back to the stand in the afternoon and I settled in. About 15 minutes in and a doe comes blazing by. Another hunter must had spooked it and it was moving past me fast. I got a front look and then a side view for a brief second. I ripped a shot but it went under and I got nothing. Good thing is I still have 8 more days. More hunting tomorrow. Good Luck to all the racers doing the cross race tomorrow. Later..
Not A
Got out early this morning and froze may 1/2 ass off. It was a cold one and the feet and hand with all the hardware were frozen. I got up and moved to the stand a little further in the woods to get out of the wind more and try to warm up. I lasted another 2 hours but I haven't seen a thing so far. Got some lunch and time to head it back out as the sun has come out a little so that should help keep warm. The temp was 18 this morning and presently it is 26 outside. Time to go killing. Later..
Friday, November 21, 2008
Spot Picked
Got here and got our spots picked for the hunt. Hope to shoot a doe in the morning and the buck in the afternoon. Just hoping I know but I hope to at least see a deer this year. Well spending the week here will help that cause as last year it was just Sat and Sun as we went to the BMX Grands in Oklahoma. But with the 9 days the chances are better to get the deer. Time to get the gun ready. Later..
Locked and loaded
Well last night was a fun time for Jess's Birthday. I will post pictures later once I load them. She wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings again so that is where we ate. Nothing like a 7 year old eating hot wings, now that is tough little girl. She got a bunch of movies and webkin animals so she was in heaven.
Now I'm at work putting in a few hours to get the monthly paperwork turned in and then I'm going to Wade's for the entire week of hunting. I can't wait to just sit and relax and hopefully get a deer. So have a good state cross race to those racing and a Happy Thanksgiving to all. Later..
Now I'm at work putting in a few hours to get the monthly paperwork turned in and then I'm going to Wade's for the entire week of hunting. I can't wait to just sit and relax and hopefully get a deer. So have a good state cross race to those racing and a Happy Thanksgiving to all. Later..
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Putt'n the feet up
Went to the bmx track tonight for some gate practice. It was nice to see a few faces that have not been around for a few weeks to months. Got to see Dan T., Joe, Chris, Kenny and the most surprising was Jack. Joe had talked to him earlier and told home to come to the track and he did. In case you didn't know Jack raced bmx when he was fast and he is thinking that the fact that he bought a cruiser last year maybe he will come and throw it down with us. Can't wait to go in the gate with him.
After the gates tonight the legs are off the bikes for at least the next week and a half and that should feel great as I hadn't taken a break for a long time and now with the hunting the walking to the stand and back will be all the exercise that I will get. Oh yeah lifting a bunch of beers every night to. But most of all maybe hauling a big ass buck out of the woods. The only thing is that we are in a earn a buck area and that means you have to shoot a doe first. I hope to see a doe, shoot it and get it over with as there is a big buck behind Wade's house and I hope to see it. Oh well time to hit the sack. Later..
After the gates tonight the legs are off the bikes for at least the next week and a half and that should feel great as I hadn't taken a break for a long time and now with the hunting the walking to the stand and back will be all the exercise that I will get. Oh yeah lifting a bunch of beers every night to. But most of all maybe hauling a big ass buck out of the woods. The only thing is that we are in a earn a buck area and that means you have to shoot a doe first. I hope to see a doe, shoot it and get it over with as there is a big buck behind Wade's house and I hope to see it. Oh well time to hit the sack. Later..
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Just try to keep up
Had a meeting this morning which meant that I was out of the house @ 6:30am. Then it was sitting around listening to how we had to do more with less and that we had to get this done and that done. The good thing is that I don't have to worry about all of that as it pertains to food inspection not weights and measures. After the meeting it was back to the office for some paperwork and then some work and done @ 2:30. Nice.
After work I was able to gas my car up for $1.91. I was so cool that I filled the car for $23.00 and got 11.98gallons. Way to cool. I'm hoping that the prices hold for the next week so when Cece comes up by Wade's in the truck it won't cost to much. I hope to see the prices stay down and even get to about $1.75. This makes it way nicer to go to gate practice and the bmx races. These prices would have been nice during the summer when we were going all over the place to race and out East for Nationals.
When I got home and lifted weights before I went and got Jess when she got out of school. Then when Nate got home we did a roller workout before dinner. I also have a home and school meeting to go to as Cece still has conferences at school with her students parents. Nate and I were hoping to try to get a night ride in tonight but the temperature was way to low. It was 26 degrees here a@ 5:45 and there was no way that we would ride in weather that had temps that low. I'm just getting over a cold now and I don't want to be sick while hunting. After the meeting I will get all of my daily and the few hunting clothes that I have here packed for the week at Wade's. Man I need a vacation and the 9 days off will be nice. Time to run. Later..
After work I was able to gas my car up for $1.91. I was so cool that I filled the car for $23.00 and got 11.98gallons. Way to cool. I'm hoping that the prices hold for the next week so when Cece comes up by Wade's in the truck it won't cost to much. I hope to see the prices stay down and even get to about $1.75. This makes it way nicer to go to gate practice and the bmx races. These prices would have been nice during the summer when we were going all over the place to race and out East for Nationals.
When I got home and lifted weights before I went and got Jess when she got out of school. Then when Nate got home we did a roller workout before dinner. I also have a home and school meeting to go to as Cece still has conferences at school with her students parents. Nate and I were hoping to try to get a night ride in tonight but the temperature was way to low. It was 26 degrees here a@ 5:45 and there was no way that we would ride in weather that had temps that low. I'm just getting over a cold now and I don't want to be sick while hunting. After the meeting I will get all of my daily and the few hunting clothes that I have here packed for the week at Wade's. Man I need a vacation and the 9 days off will be nice. Time to run. Later..
Monday, November 17, 2008
Deer hunting on the brain
Got the license tonight for the gun season of deer hunting. The gun is ready, boots put aside and the hand warmers are packed as the temps are to be in the high 20's to low 30's. The bright orange clothes are at my brothers already so all I need to do is pack the daily wearing clothes. I'm going up with my parents as Cece, the kids, my brother Tim and Cece's Mom are coming up on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to just sitting in the woods with the fresh air and the hopes of a nice buck strolling past. Can only hope to get a shot at the big buck at least once in your life as Wade says that there is a big one strolling around in the woods behind his place. Now I need to get the kids moving for their showers and bed. Later..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Going on's
Here are a few of the pictures the races last night for Nate and then the Tosa ride today. The races last night were great and the ride today was also a great time. A big thanks to Russell for the great ride and then to the team of Pat, Nate, Aris Gus, Kyle and myself for the fun time.
Nate in turn 1 in one of the moto's.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tonight after a little yard work and some rest Nate and I loaded the little bikes. We hit the barn for some good old fun racing the bmx bikes. Nate raced the 20 inch this week and the cruiser. He made the main in both and then took a 6th in the cruiser and a 4th in the 20 inch. He had stacked moto's in both and was lucky to make the mains. As the year will go on he will be right in the front contesting for the win in both. I raced the 20 inch class again and made it to the main and took a 2nd place today. I'm beginning to like the 20 inch more then the cruiser. I will have to take the cruiser to a few races and practices to race that bike too. We are going to watch the weather and then make the decision about what we will do. either the bmx'n or the Tosa Tool ride. Later..
Whitewater Cross
This morning was the cross race in Whitewater. When ever these guys put on a race there is usually something not good or it is a waste of time. Today that could have been easily just what would have happened. When we got there the course looked challenging as heck and it was. They had wicked run and ride ups all over and a long sand pit along the river. But they also had a long mud pit, WTF I was thinking. I talked to the refs and then Jeremey and we asked one of the guys putting on the race why is that in there to just ruin the bikes? The kids did just 1 lap and the bikes were all F'd up. They took it out wisely. The race was a good one and all the racers were in the pain locker from the start. I have to say the Whitewater team did a good job today.
The boys lined up and there was I think 7 at the start this weekend. Thompson and Brandon took off and then Nate and Mitch, Gage and the rest of the field were in pursuit. After 1 lap Thompson pulled out and then Brendon was gone and Nate was in a solid 2nd and Gage in 3rd. Mitch was sick this week and faded. In the end Brendon won with Nate in 2nd and Gage in 3rd and Mitch finished 6th. We then took off after the kids got their stuff as we were cold as heck. Jeremey then called and he passed on the race as he was frozen from watching the kids and he had a race to toss. Now we are going to get ready for some bmx racing tonight and then some more tomorrow maybe or the Russell ride. Just have to see how things go tonight.
Nice long sand pit to through.
The boys lined up and there was I think 7 at the start this weekend. Thompson and Brandon took off and then Nate and Mitch, Gage and the rest of the field were in pursuit. After 1 lap Thompson pulled out and then Brendon was gone and Nate was in a solid 2nd and Gage in 3rd. Mitch was sick this week and faded. In the end Brendon won with Nate in 2nd and Gage in 3rd and Mitch finished 6th. We then took off after the kids got their stuff as we were cold as heck. Jeremey then called and he passed on the race as he was frozen from watching the kids and he had a race to toss. Now we are going to get ready for some bmx racing tonight and then some more tomorrow maybe or the Russell ride. Just have to see how things go tonight.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Busy time again
The kids have to clean the kitchen after making a mess the other night and then the upstairs. I have a meeting and then several races over the next 2 days. Tomorrow Nate has a cross race and then we have bmx tomorrow night and Sunday. I go to work so I can relax. Later..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I feel worse today then yesterday. Sore throat is gone but the nose is running none stop and the head is just pounding away. Got the flu shot and now I have a cold, go figure. Better now then during the holidays. I don't like taking medicines but I just took a sinus one to try to help.
The dinner last night at Tess was great. The wine was good and the food was perfect. We will have to go back again to enjoy a regular dinner. We got a different wine with each course and a guy the distributes the wines gave a talk about each one and the regions and country that they were from. Then the food complimented the wines nicely. After the 6 courses and like 9 glasses of wine I was full and feeling good. I think the medicine is kicking in. Later..
The dinner last night at Tess was great. The wine was good and the food was perfect. We will have to go back again to enjoy a regular dinner. We got a different wine with each course and a guy the distributes the wines gave a talk about each one and the regions and country that they were from. Then the food complimented the wines nicely. After the 6 courses and like 9 glasses of wine I was full and feeling good. I think the medicine is kicking in. Later..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My throat hurts I feel like crap and I have to go out to eat. Man I wish I was going to bed. Later..
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Full throttle ahead

Here is Jessica at the Sheboygan race. She already had thoughts about beating Randy. She asked to ride again when I picked her up from the sitters house. I will have to ask Bubba how he got his girls beating Randy at such a young age. I'm thinking Jess should be handing out a good old beat down by age 7 as Nate was already doing it on a regular basis at that age.
I have to say that the weather sucks as the lights are charged and Nate and I are ready to hit the trails for some good riding. Oh well there is some cross this weekend and some bmx'n. Maybe this will be a true ugly cross race. Nothing like trashing a bike just for a 30 minute race. Then it is a double race weekend at the barn.
Also tonight Cece has a soccer game and they have no subs so she should be tired for school tomorrow. Glad to see her doing something she always liked and gave up when the punks came around. They are 0-1-1 as of right now and I hope that they can pull off a few wins during the year.
Tomorrow Cece and I are going to a nice dinner and wine tasting. We are hoping that while we are gone that the kids don't kill each other or destroy the house. I think that Jess will keep the other 2 in line as I think she is more mature some times. I hear some goofing around downstairs and I better get at it as it is just a second away from disaster. Later..
Monday, November 10, 2008
Randy beater
Jess in training to beat Randy next year. Nice to have another kid in the house that wants to ride a bike. She was asking about bmx to, that would be cool. Just for now just some bike riding while we hit the trainer.
Jess in training to beat randy in Citizen next year.
Making sure the speed and RPM are high enough.
With a few of these hanging around it isn't hard to find a bike that fits a kid. Jess asked if she could ride after school so I got out Maddie's old road bike that she had out grown and fit Jess on it. I put it on the mag trainer and got her going. Just easy and only 20 minutes today as she road for an hour on Saturday while I was at work with Nate. To long I thought but she liked it. But it will be short and sweet for now.
Cece is at soccer practice so I'm on dinner duty. Lasagna, garlic bread and a salad is on order. Not always frozen pizza or hot dogs and beans for the kids when I cook. Have to get the garlic bread in the oven. Out of here. Later..
Sunday, November 09, 2008
1st 1st
A bad picture of Nate coming into turn 1. This place really sucks to take pictures in.
The barn was hopping today. I think the moto total was light as the was only 52 today. I didn't race the cruiser and Nate only raced the cruiser. He has a tough group to race in so he now picks just 1 or the other. He took a 3rd in the cruiser main today against a solid group of kids. I took my first win today on the 20 inch. The group is fun and just my speed as the cruiser is class is the fastest out there and those guys are plain old good racers. Racing the cruiser for the last few years has made it a lot easier to race the Novice 20 inch class as most are just starting out racing and I have a few under the belt. It is nice to be racing the bmx bikes again and we are looking forward to seeing that group of racers again. We will miss the gate practice this Wed because Cece and I are going to a wine and dinner party at Tess's. Time to get some heat on the back as I strained it at the track this afternoon. Man I'm getting old. Later..
Saturday, November 08, 2008
New racer in the house
While I was helping hand out free Flu shoots Nate and Jess rode their bikes. Nate rode my road bike and Jess was able to ride the spin bike. We had some road shoes that fit her and Nate rode the rollers. They did a hour interval workout and Jess said she wants to ride when ever we do. Watch out Randy she is gunning for you.
I was at one of the fire houses for 5 hours handing out free Flu shoots and I couldn't believe that we didn't get rid of them all. I waited to make sure and that we wouldn't run out and the nurses then talked me into getting one. I haven't ever gotten one before but I figured I would try it this year. Now I better not get sick.
Tomorrow is bmx racing in the barn for the first time this year so that should be fun. I'm going to race the 20 inch and Nate will race his cruiser. Later..

I was at one of the fire houses for 5 hours handing out free Flu shoots and I couldn't believe that we didn't get rid of them all. I waited to make sure and that we wouldn't run out and the nurses then talked me into getting one. I haven't ever gotten one before but I figured I would try it this year. Now I better not get sick.
Tomorrow is bmx racing in the barn for the first time this year so that should be fun. I'm going to race the 20 inch and Nate will race his cruiser. Later..
Friday, November 07, 2008
Good Night

Tonight is a good night for a good movie and a big batch of home made popcorn. The weather is crappy and cool outside so that makes it perfect to just lay around with the punks.
I have to work tomorrow helping hand out Flu shots to people that can't afford them or don't have the means of getting them. I will be at a fire house in the inner city so that should be interesting if they have to take off on a call while we are there. I will let you know about the day of fun. I start at 10:30 and work till 4:30 so that makes time and a half so I will have 9 hours of off time to use at a later date, plus help a few people in need. Later..
Thursday, November 06, 2008
After the last few days of great weather we were spoiled. Now I think the real weather is going to rear it's ugly head. Nate and I were looking forward to the night ride tonight as he has off from school tomorrow. But no it had to rain on our parade. Instead Nate is at a friends playing video games. Looks like the trainer for Nate over the next day or 2 and then the bmx races on Sunday. Maddie has her entrance exam for St Thomas More tomorrow, she should be ok.
I hope the Iceman is a good old fashioned race as a few in the past, maybe the weather that happened out West in the Dakota's will make it an appearance. That would be cool. Time for dinner. Later..
I hope the Iceman is a good old fashioned race as a few in the past, maybe the weather that happened out West in the Dakota's will make it an appearance. That would be cool. Time for dinner. Later..
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Good old Barn
The guys put together another awesome track again. It is a jumping and manual track from the start to the finish. Nate looked good out of gates considering he hasn't done any in like 2 plus months. He was also getting the feeling for the new track and should be jumping and manualling in the next few weeks. I remembered that Cece and I are going to a wine tasting next Wed so we will be missing the next practice but we will make the races this Sunday. I only took the 20 inch bike tonight and I think that is the bike I will be racing most of the season. I told Payton tonight that I kind of like my 20 inch bike more then the 24 inch bike, and now I get to suck on 2 bmx bikes instead of 1. I make the mains but that is about as far as I go, never a win but a lot of fun. Nate and I just finished our Torta's ( Mexican sandwich ) the size of a Nerf football and I'm tired. Later..
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Indoor fun
Tomorrow is the first bmx gate practice at the Barn, the practices have moved from Thursday to Wednesdays this year. After Nate and I got in from our ride tonight I got the bmx bikes cleaned up and ready for the first practice. I have to Nate's 20 inch looked at as the headset is sticking and just won't adjust right after hours of trying. So I will take to Al at Ben's and have him work his magic. I will try racing the 20 inch winter more then the cruiser, but I will toss the a few cruiser races in also. Nate will race both again as he is expert in 20 inch and the cruiser class he has to race is just as tough. See you at the gate practice tomorrow. Later..
Monday, November 03, 2008
Pictures of fun and suffering
Here are some of the pictures that I got from the race on Saturday. I think that the course that the Polska team lays out is one of the best ones, I think ours disagree but I just watch and Nate races so maybe I don't know how hard it really is. But the racers all look like they are suffering. I will post the pictures from the night race and the Sunday cross race. Later..

Sunday, November 02, 2008
This weekend of cross racing has been a lot of learning for Nate. Yesterday crashing 2 times and dropping a chain he still chased and fought to get his finish. Today he stopped in the 1st lap by me and said I still have my warm up coat on I said just go he still stopped and took it off so he wouldn't his hi number. I took it and off he was on the chase. He chased and worked his way to about 15 seconds behind Mitch but get the gap closed. He still kept on and that was good to see. He was a little tired after racing the night race and cross race yesterday but still had the energy to ride his bike to a friends after eating and cleaning up when we got home. I'm off to the Russell ride. I will post a bunch of pictures from the weekend later. Later..
Night race
The race was top notch. Al put together a great course. We were actually able to ride the river trail and the Alpha for the first time this year. What a great loop to ride and race. The weather was cold at the start but fine during the race. Nate took 2nd place to Aris and I rolled in 13th after stopping a few times to fix the battery and front skewer. Great time and great course. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. See you at the cross race. Later..
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Polska style
These guys put on a great race. The course is always great, the people are always great. The boys went off today and Gage got away when Nate went down on the road and then Mitch got a gap and held it. It was perfect cross weather and now we are getting the lights and bikes ready for the night race. See you there or at the cross race tomorrow. Later..
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