The Party getting started.

Tim taking a break after separating himself from his bike.

Waiting for the food to arrive and having a few cold ones.

Carlito playing with Toni's crank that fell off her tandem.
Last night was the Ronsta Rockesha ride and let it be known that if you were not there you missed a good one. We sat around Ron's crib waiting for a few peeps to get there but as always the wait provided time to have a few cold Blatz and talk to some of the folks that you have not seen in a while. When all the riders got there the 35 to 40 of us proceeded to over take the roads for a while. The ride was pretty uneventful for the most part till Tim Bates decided to separate himself from his bike and meet the pave up close. After a few minutes of making sure that he was not hurt we rolled on. Then it was time to roll down the downtown streets and show the good people of Waukesha how we roll. Then we took over the Mexican restaurant to enjoy a awesome spread of food that they provided Buffet style since there so many of us. Great food was had and then it was back to riding and racing through the downtown streets again. The people that we were flying past were in amazement as we were just killing it and topping off a great ride, great food off in style. As the big boys were heading in to the bars Nate and I headed home. Thanks again Ron for the great time.
Today was a day of getting chores done. Cece cut my hair in the morning and then I was out side cleaning the garage and washing the truck. After that I pulled the Harley out and cleaned it up and put a charge on the battery as I washed the car and vacuumed and washed the windows to. Man was the car dirty after a summer of racing and a few bmx races. Then it was off to a single speed ride along the lake front. Oh the weather was perfect to get all the chores done since I blow them off all summer. Tomorrow is the State Championship Cross race for Nate and then right after off to the bmx track for some fun racing. Then I am off for the next week and going up to Rhinelander for Thanksgiving and some deer hunting. Now I need a cup of Alterra and kick my feet up. Later.