Thursday, April 30, 2009
Beat Down
Have to tell you if you don't have some fitness this ride will drill it into you. Joe and Jeff were pulling us in on Woods road at 35 mph. Big ring was in order today as the ride was at my limit most of the ride after Janesville rd. The guys taking the pulls were just looking at each other and drilling it trying to drop everyone was trying to stay on. Thanks Jeff for closing many gaps and keeping us with the lead group and the pullers for doing a lot of the work. Now I need to eat some of the leftovers to make room for Jessica's treats for her 1st communion. Later..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
No more sitting
Done with the class and I know one thing I can not sit all day as I don't have the ass for that. We took the test today and I actually learned some things believe it or not, just ask me a question. The test was easy and got 1 wrong as the federal handle 1 thing different and we put the state regulation answer down and the correct was federal answer but they are taking the state one also so I got a 100%.
Now we are on the way home and got a little time so we are taking the bone ride route home to enjoy the scenery. There is a lot of standing water int he fields yet and with more rain there is going to be a ton of water for a long time again. I hope that the trails are open soon as I need some time on the mountain bike bad. I hope the bmx skills help for the first race or 2 as far as bike handling but the legs may be a different story, oh well just have to wait and see.
Tonight going to try to get the road bikes out if the weather holds up. Then get more done for Jessica's 1st communion done. She is so excited and it has been fun watching her excitement for it. Later..
Now we are on the way home and got a little time so we are taking the bone ride route home to enjoy the scenery. There is a lot of standing water int he fields yet and with more rain there is going to be a ton of water for a long time again. I hope that the trails are open soon as I need some time on the mountain bike bad. I hope the bmx skills help for the first race or 2 as far as bike handling but the legs may be a different story, oh well just have to wait and see.
Tonight going to try to get the road bikes out if the weather holds up. Then get more done for Jessica's 1st communion done. She is so excited and it has been fun watching her excitement for it. Later..
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Scales and more scales

Today was a long boring day in Madison sitting listening to a guy tell us how to test a scale. There really is only 1 way and that is to put the weights on it and see if it is with in tolerance or not. But there is a formula for the way the weights are placed on the scale and where they are placed for the test to be accepted. It is a lot of words ( thanks to the Gov't ) to how and what is to be done, but in the end it is take the weights out of the box and put them on the scales and see if the scale is correctly stating the fact that what you put on it is what it says. If it is correct you put that special little sticker on it and go on, if not you leave and order to get it fixed or replace it. There is still more fun tomorrow as I have to get on the road again and sit there for another day. But rest assured you can depend on me to test the scales and pumps in Milwaukee in the right manner. Got to get some crap done as Jessica has her 1st communion Saturday so got to do some cleaning. Later..
Monday, April 27, 2009
Randy has skills
The other day I meet up with Randy to do some riding and this is a short video of his skills. You have to check him out. Enjoy. Later..
Need an Ark
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Just a feeling
Just hunch that if you rode the trails around here right now this is what it would look like. With all the rain I think that they will be closed for a few days to weeks so the road will be the main way to train. I went to pick Nate up down in Kenosha this afternoon and the farm fields had little lakes in them and the creeks were now small fast flowing rivers. Can only hope that the winds and sun will dry them out in the next days or even weeks. Rain Rain Go Away. Later..

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Talked to Jeremey the last few days and the plan was to hit the Kettles this morning, but mother nature had other plans. We looked at the radar and decided to change the ride to Pets as we could bail when the hard rain hit and not be 10 miles away. So the punks, Jerry, Lori, Mark, Jeremey and myself set out for some trial riding. We got a bunch in and the rain started and then a window opened and we hit some more and a big flash of lighting and one of the biggest thunder cracks i have heard in a long time hit right above our heads and the rain and hail came down in buckets. We got to a shelter and waited a few minutes and when it lightened up we made a dash to the cars. Got a nice trail ride in and then I left Nate with Jeremey and headed home. The temps dropped from 71 when I left Kenosha and the wind changed and the new temp when I got home was 42. As it would have to be leaving Nate there I got to unload the gear and bikes by myself in a down pour. Now I have to get running as we have a bunch of stuff to get for Jessie's 1st communion next weekend. Later..
Here the punks are discussing how they are going to drop us.

Friday, April 24, 2009
New project ready for lift off

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Project #2 is done. It has a little of Hayes, Sun Ringle, SRAM, Orgin 8, Shimano and a few other goodies tossed in. Have to thank Alan for making 2 bikes in the same week perfect. Tomorrow I will post a few pictures, also we will also get it out and set it up for Nate. I get his old ( new in October ) S Works mtn bike. Can you say spoiled kid?
Tonight was the beat down and as always a humbling ride but we made it in with the lead group. I felt a ton better on the Tarmac then the old S Works. I have noticed that it is a lot more compact and I fell like the legs spin a lot better then the old bike to. I feel a lot more comfortable on it and just hope that I can so the bike justice, I may have to leave that up to Nate though. Nate hung in for the entire ride even though he had to hang on with one hand basically. Still not ready for racing or the bmx track this weekend so trail riding may be in order where we can take breaks and let the hand rest. Later..
Tonight was the beat down and as always a humbling ride but we made it in with the lead group. I felt a ton better on the Tarmac then the old S Works. I have noticed that it is a lot more compact and I fell like the legs spin a lot better then the old bike to. I feel a lot more comfortable on it and just hope that I can so the bike justice, I may have to leave that up to Nate though. Nate hung in for the entire ride even though he had to hang on with one hand basically. Still not ready for racing or the bmx track this weekend so trail riding may be in order where we can take breaks and let the hand rest. Later..
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Just another day
Just another day at work and home. I got to the office and got the formalities of turning in the paperwork and got out as I can not sit at a desk for more then an hour before I have to start moving around. got out and got to a gas station in the hood to test the meters early before the riff raff woke up. I was nice and quite for the first hour and then all the local goons started to move in and around. I noticed a girl that was if 12 years old pregnant and many more in between. I got to witness 2 drug deals go down in the parking lot, one dealer had his little girl in the truck that was not even buckled in a car seat. At least 20 bums go through the trash cans and dumpster looking for the long lost treasure. Always a show going on when working in the hood. Oh I love my job.
Once getting home it was more of the same get Jessie and then get a fast workout in on the rollers and then get her to soccer. She wants to play soccer so it is get what I can get done before I can to get her there. Never discourage a kid who wants to play a sport even if it means that you have to give something you enjoy a little less time. While she was at practice I ran some errands getting a few things at the grocery store and running Nate to a store to get some USB cables he wanted for his computer. Then is was get Jessie and run home to wash the truck and car while dinner was finishing up. Now I get to sit down and relax for a minute before chasing the punks into bed. See you on the beat down tomorrow still 5:30 start. Later..
Once getting home it was more of the same get Jessie and then get a fast workout in on the rollers and then get her to soccer. She wants to play soccer so it is get what I can get done before I can to get her there. Never discourage a kid who wants to play a sport even if it means that you have to give something you enjoy a little less time. While she was at practice I ran some errands getting a few things at the grocery store and running Nate to a store to get some USB cables he wanted for his computer. Then is was get Jessie and run home to wash the truck and car while dinner was finishing up. Now I get to sit down and relax for a minute before chasing the punks into bed. See you on the beat down tomorrow still 5:30 start. Later..
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The calendar the last 2 days have been stacked with meetings. Yesterday was a executive board for the Wisconsin Weights and Measures Association in Madison. This morning was a bureau meeting that as always ends up being do more with less. Tonight is the School board meeting which I am the President and have been for the last 6 years out of 9 years I have been on the board. I had to start early which meant I got done early so I was able to get a quick workout in before my meeting tonight.
Nate's hand is looking better but we will have to wait and see how it looks Thursday before the Beat Down. He says he doesn't need it that much as he will just leave it in the big ring and only use his rear brake. Should work but the hills should be a little challenge, he should still be OK though. Hope to have the last project ready for a weekend shake down done in the next day or so. This one should be a great ride and race machine. Later..
Nate's hand is looking better but we will have to wait and see how it looks Thursday before the Beat Down. He says he doesn't need it that much as he will just leave it in the big ring and only use his rear brake. Should work but the hills should be a little challenge, he should still be OK though. Hope to have the last project ready for a weekend shake down done in the next day or so. This one should be a great ride and race machine. Later..
Monday, April 20, 2009
Full House

The kids are back and the house that was clean and put in order is not anymore. There are shoes everywhere, coats hung on the chairs not the hooks and toys that were upstairs and put away are in the living room now. Crazy life and wouldn't change it for the world.
Nate's hand was OK and looks a lot better today after a good night of sleep the swelling was down and the bruising was way better. It was well enough for a workout on the spin bike for him instead of the rollers tonight. Hopefully he will be ready for the group ride Thursday and the Kettles over the weekend. Aw heck he will ride either way because that is the way he is. I wonder where he gets it from?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cece and I drove to Stevens Point and picked up the punks today. As we were eating lunch and Cece was away getting something my Dad tells Nate to give me the middle finger. I was thinking what is he teaching the punk now? But I look and the middle finger it was swollen and has 3 stitches in it. He was splitting wood and a branch caught his hand and crushed it against a bolt on the splitter and cut his finger to the bone. He didn't cry like Randy would have, he just looked at Grandpa and didn't say a word. Grandpa knew something was up, so took his work glove off and there was the bleeding finger. They cleaned it and he relaxed as the others finished splitting the wood. After Church and much more bleeding they took him to the hospital and the Dr's stitched it up. The funny thing is my parents had all the permission slips we signed years ago and all the insurance still with them so it was all taken care of. They didn't want to worry us so they also did not call us last night, they waited to tell us today. This punk is going to put us in the high risk group with all the stuff he gets into. Hopefully he can ride and race this weekend is all goes OK. Later..
All sad after his boo boo.

Saturday fun day
Saturday was a great day for a ride. Meet up at Wheel with about 1o other riders and off we were. The temps were perfect for just a jersey and shorts which meant sun burn lines on the arms and legs after the ride. But who cares as the ride was awesome and the company was great. The bike was perfect and fast, well fast for me as I'm sure it would be a lot faster for others. I really like how the it rides and how it responds compared to the old S Works. After the ride I got home and planted all my Cana Lilly bulbs and put some grass seed down ( Thanks for noticing Sugs ). Then Cece and went out for some Mexican food, the good stuff in the hood. We were the only non Spanish speaking persons in the place. Then it was relaxing time watching the NASCAR race in a house with no kids for the last night. We are heading to Stevens Point to get the kids. Back to the grind again tomorrow, run a kid here and there and fit the rest in as you go. See you on the road. Later..
Harlan all smiles on his new Ellis single speed.

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
I stopped by the shop in the afternoon and Alan told me to run home and get the broken S Works as the replacement Tarmac was in. I ran home and got the broken one and Alan went to town. I had to call Russell and cancel the Tosa trail ride that we were going to do as I had to get the road bike back for the group ride tomorrow. Alan got it done and I ran home and put on some shoes and got the seat to the right spot and hopefully I only have to stop a few times tomorrow for some minor adjustments. Alan did a great job and I have many thanks to Specialized for getting it here so fast. Can't wait till tomorrow. I have to and stare at it some more. Later..

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tonight the ride was fast and Sam and Tina's car was fast. The ride was faster this week then last and the sun was up long enough to do the long route. I popped off the fast group and caught on to Jeff, Danny and Rick for the rest of the ride in. It hurt tonight that is all I have to say.
Tina and Sam stopped by to pick the White Industries free wheels that I got for Tina. I got a short film ( not a good one but the car is fast ) of him in his car tonight. Last week he showed us the power in Tina's car and tonight his. Cool cars with a lot of horse power. Now I need to get to bed I'm beat for some reason. Later
Fixed, Wings, PBR's
We made it home safe after a night of PBR's and the best wings I have had in a long long time. The beers where plenty and the laughs where endless. We then had to put the legs over the top tubes and head her home. Not before a stroll along the lake and then escorting Russell to the Post Office to drop off his taxes. Then it was point the wheels home. Fun night and will have to do it again. Just makes for a long day today. Later..
The green machine in action.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Getting Fixed
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Just the 2 of Us
Cece and I are heading to the St Francis Brew Pub tonight for some food and craft beers. With the kids up north we figure it is a good time to hit the town. Well not really hit the town just try out the new micro brewery that just opened a week ago in St. Francis. Then tomorrow a nice relaxing fixie ride with Kyle and then meet up with Russell for some wings and brews. My date is ready and I have to run. Later..

Monday, April 13, 2009
The Hodag

The kids went up to Rhinelander today with my parents for the week. Without them the house feels 3 times as big and quite. Although it is nice having the punks around isn't that bad either. They are lucky as the weather up in Rhinelander is better then the crap we have down here. I hope Nate gets out for a few rides as my Dad said he would ride along with him on his Harley maybe even motor pace him a little. Then on Sunday we will meet my parents in Point for the exchange of the kids. It will be a nice week of no kids and I hope the weather gets better for some nice rides down here. Tomorrow Cece and I are hitting the new micro brewery in St Francis for a beer and some eats. Looking forward to that. Tonight it is the usual House and 24. Later..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter #1
Yesterday was Easter with my family at Tim's house. As always a great time and many laughs all night. My Mom showed the girls how the quilts are looking that she is making for them, they are looking real nice. Then they went outside for the annual egg hunt. After the big hunt it was dinner time, then fun time in the upstairs game room. Today it Easter #2 with Cece's family and then drop the kids off at Tim's as Cece and I are going to be kid less all next week. Oh Yeah to that. They are going up to Rhinelander with my parents. Have a good Easter. Later..
Mom and Maddie and her quilt.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
3 bagger

Today was the 3rd day in a row of good old road riding. Today was easier then yesterday, maybe because the wind was lighter and the group was bigger. I tried to stay back and keep John B. on the ride but he was having none of that and kept slowing down when I would pick the pace up. I got him to the school and he was on his own after that. Nate took off with Jeff B. and Mike Froh around Wind Lake and they stayed away for a good part of the ride, till Jeff rode Nate into the ground and he came back to us and worked with us then on. I owe you one Jeff, thanks he needed that. Towards the end Gage got a double flat so we left him and Nate and I went back and got the truck and retrieved them. These kids are getting strong and soon they will be pulling us for the entire ride, man I can't wait. Good riding and now a Easter dinner with my family tonight and then Cece's family tomorrow. A good day of rest off the bike tomorrow maybe. Got to run. Later..
Friday, April 10, 2009
Today we went to Len's for the Good Friday ride in the Racine and Milwaukee country side. The group was a tad small because of the temps and wind. But the hardy group of Len, Joe, Russell, Nate, Gae and myself rolled out into the wind. I have to give a big thanks to Joe for the pull into the wind. Then on the way back in was a lot better but still a strong cross wind that we battled. In the end it was a nice ride and as always any ride is better then a day at work. Here are a few pictures of the day.
Nate going over the ramps on Sam's bmx bike.

So yesterday at work I had to shut down half of the gas station I tested. I wanted a nice easy day so I picked a station that opened with all new pumps 2 years ago. As always the crap hits the fan. Half the meters failed and I had to shut them down on a busy weekend of gas purchasing. Oh Jay can't I just keep them operating and call a service company after the holiday? No you are short selling gas to people by over a 1/2 a gallon every 5 gallons. So now he sits with half the meters shut down. At the end he took it pretty good considering he is just lost half his pump usage for the weekend or longer.
The next funny thing that happened yesterday was a guy on his new Harley. I was parked in an industrial park by the airport entering the data from closing the gas pumps and a guy drives by on his new Sportster turns around and then tries to turn into the drive way of said work place. He proceeded to fall over and lay the bike down. Picking it up he then dropped it over to the other side. In the process he broke both rear directionals off, both ends of the clutch and brake levers. He tossed his glasses on the ground and yelled F%$& breaking those too. He tried to start the bike and then stalled it and it fell over once more. He parked it and ran inside and a friend came out and the both of them assessed the damage to his new broken ride. Really to funny as I just sat there and watched it all. The LAF plates were still on it and he just did a couple of 100 dollars damage. I had to laugh but fell sorry for the guy at the same time. Time to go and ride. Later..
The next funny thing that happened yesterday was a guy on his new Harley. I was parked in an industrial park by the airport entering the data from closing the gas pumps and a guy drives by on his new Sportster turns around and then tries to turn into the drive way of said work place. He proceeded to fall over and lay the bike down. Picking it up he then dropped it over to the other side. In the process he broke both rear directionals off, both ends of the clutch and brake levers. He tossed his glasses on the ground and yelled F%$& breaking those too. He tried to start the bike and then stalled it and it fell over once more. He parked it and ran inside and a friend came out and the both of them assessed the damage to his new broken ride. Really to funny as I just sat there and watched it all. The LAF plates were still on it and he just did a couple of 100 dollars damage. I had to laugh but fell sorry for the guy at the same time. Time to go and ride. Later..
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Beat Down
It is safe to say that the pace has picked up for the Thursday ride. It was rolling along nice and then several took off up a hill and that shattered the field and others tried to bridge and several did only to be dropped by Joe and John. The rest of us rolled in at a pace for a average pace of a few tics over 21 mph average. Felt good but the pain cave was deep and long for awhile in to the wind. Thanks to Jeff for pulling us when it got rough. Then after the ride Tina and Sam pulled up in the parking lot. Nice car and I think it has a little to much power as demonstrated by the strips he left on the road, nice job Sam. Tomorrow is the annual Good Friday from Len's house and I hope it is a lot tamer than tonight was. But a ride at any pace is better then a day at work. See you on the road or dirt. Later..
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Yesterday after work I paid a quick visit to the chiropractor to get my much needed adjustment. I think that I need t make the visits more frequent now that the miles are adding up. After that it was off to the annual Health Dept. volleyball tournament. We have won the tourney 4 out of 6 years and we did so again last night. As always it was fun but I am sore today from playing. I am getting way to freaking old.
Today was a nice easy Single Speed to the trails in the seminary woods. They were dry and ready for some tread marks so we did our duty. It felt great to be out in the woods and smell the dirt and leaves. While riding Nate did lay it down in one of the corners and I did have a little chuckle. He just got his out of the way early and should be ready for the season now. Tomorrow is the beat down so put on your fast wheels and join us at Hales Corners Wheel in the back lot for the 5:30 departure. See you there. Later..
Monday, April 06, 2009

This is Public Health week so tomorrow we have our annual volleyball tournament and gathering afterwork. Always fun to hang with some of the others that you see only in the halls and meetings. Should be a fun night. See you on the Thursday beat down. Still starting @ 5:30pm. Later..
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