Today I had full day of fun in the sun. First I walked Jessica to school the took Nate and Maddie to school as they have late start on Wednesday. Then it was off to the Chiropractor for a much needed lineament. When I walked home I got the itch to ride so that is what I did. I got my Haro Single Speed out and went riding. It was nice to ride outside even though it was an hour and a half of 1 armed riding. Do PT workout as I need to get 2 done a day. Then it was shower and run to Jessie's school to load and hide 900 plastic eggs in the park for the kids to find. It was a blast watching the kids run to get their bounty. Now I'm getting my time in the chair of pain before I cook some meat on the grill. I can't wait till tomorrow for more time on the bike and some PT. Later..