So today I had to test a bunch on the home fuel trucks again and it is so nice to have a job that lets me work outside on beautiful days like today. Only have a few more to finish tomorrow as today the I had to leave at 2pm to get home to run Nate to the Dr for his annual physical that we pushed off to race the Chequamagon a few weeks back. He is doing fine and I had started at 6 am so the day was done any how. So a few fuel trucks to finish testing and then take a few days off to finish cutting the apple tree down and take the branches to the self help center with Nate. Speaking of cutting the apple tree down today as Nate and were working on that for a while after the Dr appointment he tossed a good sized branch down and nailed me right in the head. Needless to say there is a nice little gouge in my forehead. Oh well at least he is helping even if he is hurting his old man. After cutting more of the tree down Nate and I headed over to Honey Pie for a burger. It kind of made the pain go away. But now I need some ice cream. Later..