Last night we went to Summerfest to see the Peter Gabriel. What a great show. He is such a talented singer and the show was just a show that I am glad that we went to. The people at Summerfest are a different thing. WOW are they a freak show. Not that I am perfect but there are a lot of messed up people walking around out there. The place was crowded and I have to say that I do not have to go back unless there is a good act there. Maddie is working in the amphitheater as a usher so that will have us hopping to get her to work and pick up at around midnight for the next 11 days. Oh well she seems to be enjoying it.
Tonight was a beat down and it was a large group of around 35 to 40 at the start. We were all clipping along and on the first hill Nate took off and it pulled Aaron and Chris out of the group and that was it as they rode away form us and beat us back to the parking lot by a good amount of time. But our group was keeping a good pace for the most part we rolled intact minus 5 or 6 riders. Now we are getting ready for a ride in the Kettles tomorrow in the morning to try to get the ride in before the temps hit 90 plus. Well time to get the ice cream and get to bed for another ride. Later..