Friday, February 20, 2009


Another week older and another week in the books for the man. did 40 scales today and that made up for the easier week. Tonight we are going to go out for some Chinese food and then see Mall Cop. Should be fun for once to all go out and relax at a movie. Tomorrow will get up and shovel the way the news is making it look like and then some time on the rollers and Nate some time with the Jr team at Crank Daddy's. Then the fun for the day will be the Roller Derby. Time to load the truck and get this show on the road. Later..


Picco said...

Did you catch who was doing the karaoke-ing??

Jay said...

Yeah, who was that? What else does he do?

Picco said...

I thought that it was Adam Sandler in make up.........n'stuff.