Well after a good meal and getting some good shut eye the Punks and I got the truck loaded and headed to Alpine Valley. We got there and Rita and Gordy had the new team jersey's for the team. Got Maddie all set and got her warmed up with some riding and hit the start line. She got a call up and took care of business right away. She can climb and took off and was like 3rd out of all the boys and girls coming down past the first turn. She just put her head down and put a good gap on the other girls. My main thought is I hope that she doesn't pop and give up. I could see her go across the top and was still looking good. I went to the finish line and she got her first ever WORS win. This was great and this is from the girl who didn't even want to race this weekend again. Now she can't wait until the next race comes. Rock on Maddie.
Now it was time to get Nate ready at the same time. A lot easier as he just is calm as hell and does a warm up and gets to the line by himself. He got a call up and took care of business right away also. He was like 4th out of the 18 and under group coming down to the first turn also. He looks so smooth when he is riding and I could see him go across the top just by his pedaling and I was at the bottom of the hill. He came across after the first lap and was sitting in a good position and held it to the end. He came across the finish line in 2nd place again and was only 40 seconds behind the winner of his age group. I don't think it will long and he will win a cit 10 to 14 age class, Nate is only 11. Way to go Nate.
Now it was my turn to put my front wheel on the start line. I got my call up and waited for Don to yell Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and off we were. I didn't get that great of a start and was in like 6th place SS for a good part of first lap. I was holding good and passed a few of the other SS and got passed back after a climb or 2 and having to run up the hills after some one walking in front of me. But hey what the hell it's a race and I will get the chance to pass in the next lap or 2. On lap 1 a few of the other SS popped and that made the passes easier. Adam from Darcy was the first to pop and then the guy from Point pursuit was next and then it was 4 of us running wheel to wheel for the next 2 laps. It was a fun race and I was sitting in 2nd for a good part of the next lap and a half. Then after a crash I was in 4th in no time. Then with a last little single track Montie took time to hug a tree and that opened it up and I was able to catch up to the 2nd place guy and we came out of the single track and we sprinted for the finish and one racer got in the way and I got another 3rd place. Good for me as hills are what take me out of a lot of the races and I have been able to hold on this year. Next is the Wausau race and then BMX nationals in Rockford.
Tonight got home and cleaned up and headed to a Sports award banquet for Nate. He plays softball for his school. They are in first place right now and have out scored the other teams 135 plus to 4. They have 2 more games to play and I hope that they hold it together and win them. He got 2 medals and a trophy tonight and also won a $25.00 gift card for Target. So it was a good night for Nate.
Sorry I couldn't stick around to get to see the finishes of everyone. But hey
Bubba great race today, Lenny also had a good race.
Russell also pulled another 1st way to go. Jerry pulled some Bling also this weekend. Anyhow way to go to everyone else as I need to sight and read the paper and have some ice cream. Later..