Well the weekend is here and it is going to be a tight one. Nate has 2 cross races tomorrow, then we are driving to Stevens Point for the WORS banquet and spending the night there at Wade's house for the night. Then we are getting up early and heading to Madison for some more cross racing. Just another usual weekend here. See you are the races and banquet.
I took the Monte Carlo in for some work as I knew the head gasket was leaking. It was a slow leak and we were watching it so it wouldn't blow up and I would loose the engine. But last week it took a crap and got worse and I ran it in. Well after they took the engine down they sent the heads out and they got faced and then the engine was put back together and now the car is running great again. But the wallet is a lot lighter too. It is still better then a car payment or an engine replacement. I hope to get a few more years out of the car so I guess it was money well spent. Time to watch It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown for the second night. Later..