Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Old Stink Eye

I don't know if it was the high society beer ( Sam Adams) or the Stinky Gringo Margarita that Russell brought to the party last night, but I was not feeling all that well all night and was up until 4:30am making trips to the Clinton head quarters. After making laps to the office I finally fell asleep and I felt better in the morning. I didn't make it to church as I didn't want to run out in the middle of service and all so I relaxed at home and good thing as I did visit the office a few times. I did get downstairs and got a workout in and I felt better right away after sweating what ever was eating me up inside. After the Packer game I ran to Sherpa's and got a box of hand warmers so Nate and I have them for the ride from Russell's house tomorrow. I bought the box as when Nate and I both ride that takes 4 packs each time and I don't want to get to a ride with out any. So if you aren't working we will see you at the ride. Later..

1 comment:

Mike said...

What do you think of Stinky Gringo Margaritas??