Thursday, March 17, 2011

St Patty's Day

Hope that everyone is having a Happy St. Patrick's day. As I was at work today I had to drive through downtown and I could not believe how many people were out drinking at 10 this morning. It was crazy as it wasn't just 20 something year old kids it was old people like my age and older out drinking. I seen a older lady like in her 60's stumbling down the sidewalk carrying her shoes and like 50 bead necklaces around her neck. It was to funny and after seeing that I have no need to go out and drink in the middle of the week and have a hangover at work the next day. So to all those out tonight for the party have fun and be safe, oh yeah watch out for the drunk old people.

Last night Nate and I went to Rays for the last ride with Cale as he is leaving for a new life in California tomorrow, lucky. We also had the chance to ride with the bmx family as now that gate practice is done we are all hitting up Rays on Wednesday nights. It was a fun night and again I spent the night trying to get better on the expert jumps. A few times I felt better and then sometimes I felt like crap. I still suck at the jumps but I am getting better and some day I may make it over the jumps without bonking them. But as always it was a fun night. And thank you Katy for making me the stickers as they will be put to good use.

Tomorrow night it is the Rockesha ride and with the nice break in the weather it should be a fun ride. So come on out and ride. Later..

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