Friday, April 13, 2007

This and that

If anyone is interested we are leaving from my house at 8:30am tomorrow to ride to the group ride at wheel. We will ride to the ride and then ride home giving us about 3 to 3.5 hrs in the saddle and 60 plus miles. So if ya interested give me a call to get directions.

Going to take the day off the bike and meet some of the co workers for a few malted beverages after work tonight as I always skip these. I hope to be home at a good time to get some sleep so I don't Randy on the ride tomorrow. Last night was fun to watch the Exotics play again. Some of the best surf rock around so if ya get a chance catch one of their shows. Time to do some work. Later..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Russell is feeling better. He says that even after taking a shit load of vitamins, he also full of piss & vinegar and ready to take some names tomorrow.