Friday, January 09, 2009

Car Wreck

I needed a ride in one like this today. Think it would handle good in the snow?

That is what it is like checking the meters in the cabs. You can smell it and looking at some of the drivers is like a car wreck. You know that you should look as you drive by but you do any how. Today was a real gem of a day as one driver had about 3 teeth left and well his breath was so bad I opened the window as he talked and the snow was pelting me in my face. That was better then his foul breath. Another was so big and fat that his cab smelled like ASS and I almost gaged when I got in. I again opened the window and let the snow pelt the side of my head. Then there was the plain old dirty cabs and drivers and a few good ones thrown in to keep it honest. To top it off there was the snow tossed in for good measure. Some of the drivers were good and drove with respect of the fact that the snow made conditions a little crappy. The first guy never turned on his wipers and when he did he could only see the road through a small sliver and almost hit a few parked cars and scared the crap out of me, I knew it would be a long day. One guy drove so freak'n fast I had to tell him to slow down twice as I thought I was going to die. I'm beginning to really dislike cabs a lot. Well at least I have a 2 day break before we finish up next week. I can't wait till we are done. Swap meet tomorrow and then bmx racing on Sunday. Dinner is ready got to run. Later..

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