Wednesday, October 24, 2007

1 more

Nate has 1 more football practice and 1 more game this weekend. He is going to be able to make it to the game as there is no cross race. But there is a bmx race in the afternoon that we will be going to though. The team has not won a game this season and we are hoping to win the last one of the season. As the season has gone on we have lost about half of the players as there are only 13 to15 kids showing up out of 24 to the practices now and a few that do hate to have the heavy hitting drills and always have a excuse to getting out of them. But the rest have realized that it is fun to lay out some one and are just eating it up. Nate has taking a liking to running the ball and hitting the runners and receivers now. I have been telling him be the hitter not the one taking the hit and he has figured it out and no is hitting real solid. Today he had a bunch of nice tackles and even hit another kid so hard he knocked the wind out of himself. Well at least now that the season is going to be over we will be able to hit the bike training hard as bmx Grands are in a month. He should be ready and we do have 3 or 4 gate practices and a few races before also. Time to get to bed. Later..

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