Thursday, October 04, 2007

Just 1 more

Just one more day of work and then the final WORS race of the year. I'm glad that the season is over and the running from race to race will be over. I'm thinking that next year I will take the year of racing off and do more WEMS races and just take Nate to the WORS as the girls don't want to race no more and I'm kinda burned out on the WORS thing. I'll do a few of the races but maybe not get a series number. I will go and ride the pre ride and ride a few extra laps and then give support to Nate at all the races and watch him race as now I don't get to see him race. I have been having a blast watching him race road, track, cross and bmx and now I want to see him race mtn bike more also.

It has been fun doing the football and seeing him get better each week. He has made some great improvements and has been making some great plays the last few games and practices. I have to say that Nate is a good kid as when we are around some of these other kids they are either fooling around, making mistakes and plane old just not listening. Nate has gotten smart and just moves away and makes sure he is learning his plays and not getting yelled at. I can tell that some of these kids come from a broken home or one that has no discipline or any thing. I just hope these kids get their shit together and don't end up in jail down the road as it appears from their attitude that is where they are heading. That aside I hope things go better this week and that we win a game for once. Just have to wait and see. Time to get some kids in bed. Later..

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