Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Living the dream

Does it get any better then going to work and taking the kids to there sporting events. That is what is happening in our house. Nate asked Cece "didn't you buy some new blinds to hang in the kitchen after you painted it?" Cece replies "yes I did and all have done for the last 3 months is work, clean the house, wash all your football, and cycling clothes". I have not had time to hang them yet. Looking at me I tell him we have had races every weekend and football practice 3 times a week and a game every weekend. So between all the things we do for the kids we don't have much time other then work and take care of a their needs. Boy I tell you this is just living the dream. I really wouldn't change it for anything though as I have become used to the total chaos that it brings into our house. I love it. Later..


Anonymous said...

Once they graduate the 8th grade it's all downhill from there...actually the 12th grade. After that the money, college, pro thing screws everything up, takes all the fun out of it. Yeah, I can remember my kid's achievements in high school, then the scouts (college & pro) which means that the fun is starting to go.

Anonymous said...

Coming from someone who realized it eventually and is amazingly greatful for it. You are one of the last most amazing parents around. My mom and dad supported me and my siblings the same way you are supporting your children and it wasn't until I was about 21 that I recognized all the effort and time it took my mom and dad to have 3 kids in baseball and softball for 15 years (coaching all three of us), close to 20 years in scouting (helping both my brother and I become eagle scouts), five years of going to the BMX track EVERY Sunday when sleeping in could have been so much easier. Thank you for doing it right! Your kids will thank you eventually, if not already!