Monday, October 15, 2007

A Fool and his Wine

As you can see the Tool Shed can polish off a bottle of Boone's Farm in less then a minute. It was not all in one pull but still it only took 2 pulls and it was gone. You can see Jerry in the first picture in amazement that any one with any type of a stomach would not try this, not the Tool he said watch this and off to the race it was. He was not worried and at the end I think it damn near killed him as he had to tilt the head back and let the Boone fuzz clear. So here is to Russell for drinking a $1.99 bottle of malt beverage in less then a minute. I couldn't do it as I drank the great Hamm's light that Lenny provided for us. I'll stick to the good stuff that is made by the Great Sky Blue Water and a bear thank you...

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