Friday, June 30, 2006

I'll have another one.....

We are sitting at my brothers relaxing after a nice ride in the morning and swimming in the pool across the street all afternoon. Boy not working for the last 5 weeks has been nice and I'm getting used to not having to answer to the man. But I do really miss going to work believe it or not. Looks like Maddie may have to miss the race as she cut her foot pretty bad and may have needed stiches but nurse Joy put a few butterflies on it and they seem to be doing the job. May have her just race and get the toss away points and that is it. I felt ok today on the bike and I'm looking forward to racing. I did pull Jessica on the trail a bike for 20 miles on a gravel path and it felt fine also did a few hard efforts to get the leg's moving and the heart rate up. Going to go and preride tomorrow and check out the course and come back to my brothers as the neighbor fires off about $3,000.00 worth of fireworks. The fireworks are way better then any show around even maybe better then the Big Bang as they are right over your head. Well time to go and have a few cocktails.

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