Monday, November 17, 2008

Deer hunting on the brain

Got the license tonight for the gun season of deer hunting. The gun is ready, boots put aside and the hand warmers are packed as the temps are to be in the high 20's to low 30's. The bright orange clothes are at my brothers already so all I need to do is pack the daily wearing clothes. I'm going up with my parents as Cece, the kids, my brother Tim and Cece's Mom are coming up on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to just sitting in the woods with the fresh air and the hopes of a nice buck strolling past. Can only hope to get a shot at the big buck at least once in your life as Wade says that there is a big one strolling around in the woods behind his place. Now I need to get the kids moving for their showers and bed. Later..


DIHAF? said...

I was in Eagle River this weekend. There was snow cover and it was cold and windy.

Lots of deer movement.

Opening day should be a fairly chilly one due to global cooling.

Anonymous said...

What part of the world are you hunting in? I'll be heading to the the Black River Falls, Wisconsin area myself this weekend. I was up bow hunting last weekend and was shocked at the lack of cars and hunters around scouting out the public land. Usually the weekend before gun season there are guys roaming around the woods looking for places to hunt but this year I don't think I saw any. Do you think a lot of folks are going to stay home this year with the economy the way it is?