Monday, November 03, 2008

Pictures of fun and suffering

Here are some of the pictures that I got from the race on Saturday. I think that the course that the Polska team lays out is one of the best ones, I think ours disagree but I just watch and Nate races so maybe I don't know how hard it really is. But the racers all look like they are suffering. I will post the pictures from the night race and the Sunday cross race. Later..

Perfect form here, notice the carrying of the bike?

Doug warming the sauce for the spaghetti.


Dano said...

Thx for the top billing.

Yeah, Im perfecting the one handed on the bar bike toss.

Jay said...

It was a great save as I thought you were goinng to fall right on top of your bike. Sorry for so few pic's but Angie was talking and I would loose track of people coming up. See you in Whitewater.