Friday, March 05, 2010


I was told that this was going to hurt, boy were they right. Holy crap does it hurt at times. But hey I figure there is always someone worse off then me. I know it doesn't make it better but I feel better. Jessica gave me here build a bear to hug when the pain gets to bad and helps relieve it for a while. I got in the chair 2 times today and that may have brought the pain levels a little higher as the nerve block is gone now. Well 6 weeks of recovery and then a few months of rehab, maybe with a little luck I'll be back to work by the end of July. Hopefully racing by the Fat Tire 40. I need to take some drugs. Later..


Ronsta, said...

Hope the time goes by fast, Jay. Get well!

Jay said...

Thanks Ron, Hope to be rolling in a months.