Sunday, April 23, 2006

Working on a day off

This morning took the Boy to the school so he could go on his trip with his class to the Trees for tomorrow. The bus was late but he got off and up to the camp in Eagle River. He should have a blast. Then is was off to a ride around Pewaukee Lake with the Tool, Fast Girl Sammy, Coop and myself. It was a windy ride out and a nice tail wind on the way home. We figured The Tool was pulling along at a good pace so we made him stay up there, of course he didn't have a choice. Like I told The Tool another rider or 2 his pulls could have been shorter. Really everyone was riding strong and we all enjoyed the ride. Then it was drop off fast girl at home and get something to eat and go to Crystal Ridge and do some trail work. We had a strong group of helpers and got a lot of work done. I think you will all like some of the changes. Thanks to Marty for all of the hard work he puts in. Couldn't do it with out him. Got home and grilled out and now time to chill. Word about how the new job duties are tomorrow. Later..

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