Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sick kid

Today while I was at work I got a call from Jessica's teacher and I think I hope she didn't repeat anything Russell has told her, lucky me that wasn't the case. She says that Jessica is sick and that she has puked a couple of times and needs to come home. A good thing is that we have a lady that watches the punks after school and days that we can't get off so she went and got her. That was good but at 2:45 she calls and says Jessica has thrown up 2 more times and we need to come and get her. I call Cece as school is over and she high tails it there and got her home. Shorten this up she is feeling a little better after a nice bath and watching Napoleon Dynamite and falling asleep. I hope she feels better in the morning.
Went to the chiropractor and had the electricity things hooked back up and the neck is feeling better. It is still sore when I look to the right or move real fast in either direction but nowhere near as bad as it was 10 days ago. The neck is really sore in the mornings to the point that it has me just about buckled over, nothing I can't handle but it would have Randy out for a couple of weeks. Doc says a couple of more adjustments and all should be back to normal soon.
After work before the chiropractor appointment I went and visited Grandma. Boy she is doing great and should be out of rehab in about a week. She is doing really good and we are going to move her in a nice assisted living place. It is supposed to be a good place as Vince told me about as his Mother works there so my parents checked it out and we are moving her there early next week. See ya at the bmx track. Later..

1 comment:

The Shed Master said...

What a coincidence - my Grandma used to visit me when I was in Rehab.