Friday, March 02, 2007

F*%& the snow

I think that the green house effect is really beginning to kick in, RIGHT. The weather has been screwed up for the last couple of years with it being colder, warmer, less rain or less snow. This year may be the make up year starting with the snow and then I think we may be seeing more rain in the summer which would really bite. The sun hasn't been out for a week now and I have been feeling tired for the last 3 or 4 days days even though I have gotten 7 or 8 hours of sleep, give me sun. I think this is the first year in a long time that we haven't been having the group ride on Sat or Sun. I have not been on the bike outside this year yet and it doesn't look like it will be any time soon. I will be racing on Sunday, indoors at the bmx track. So if you are bored come and watch the races. Time to go watch the snow fall and get blown around outside. Later..

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