Tuesday, February 16, 2010


How could that be that I had a physical today and it was fat Tuesday. I stopped by the bakery as I do every year for a dozen Puczki's. I was good as I only ate 1 all day before the physical. I don't think it would had mattered as I weighed less this time then I did at my last one 3 years ago. It was only 4 pounds but it was lighter none the less. The rest of the tests went fine and I got a clean bill of health. I did get a prescription filled for the pain in the shoulder. The funny thing was that my Doctor fell the other day and broke his arm and is seeing the same Doctor that is taking care of my shoulder, so he must be good. But I am still waiting to hear from the Doctor about the next step. I will call the office tomorrow if I don't hear anything by noon. Just have to get it over with. But I did eat 3 Puczki's now today and I'm going to take on a bag of M&M's that I got for 1/2 price at Walgreen's waiting for the prescription to be filled. Time to live it up and eat #4 Puczki now as I have another year before my next physical. Now I'm off to a school board meeting. Later..

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