Saturday, April 11, 2009

3 bagger

Figure this one out, Bubba pulling and Coop in line right after? Nate, Jeff and Mike are gone at this point.
The other 2 shit hooking the back.

Today was the 3rd day in a row of good old road riding. Today was easier then yesterday, maybe because the wind was lighter and the group was bigger. I tried to stay back and keep John B. on the ride but he was having none of that and kept slowing down when I would pick the pace up. I got him to the school and he was on his own after that. Nate took off with Jeff B. and Mike Froh around Wind Lake and they stayed away for a good part of the ride, till Jeff rode Nate into the ground and he came back to us and worked with us then on. I owe you one Jeff, thanks he needed that. Towards the end Gage got a double flat so we left him and Nate and I went back and got the truck and retrieved them. These kids are getting strong and soon they will be pulling us for the entire ride, man I can't wait. Good riding and now a Easter dinner with my family tonight and then Cece's family tomorrow. A good day of rest off the bike tomorrow maybe. Got to run. Later..


Mountaingoat said...

Thanks for taking him again. Sorry about his flats dilemma. Before we left I made sure he knew how to change his tubes and he had all the stuff with him today to do it. I made sure he changed the tubes right away when he got home.

Jay said...

Hey anytime. If I had known it was all there we would had practiced there. Next time we know. Hope he had fun riding in the group and wants to do it again as he welcome any time.