Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Bomb

After going to church and getting my palms Nate and I ran a few errands. You know to get the necessities for the house.

First stop was to get ammo as the price is going up and there is a lot less of it on the shelves, so I stocked up.

Second stop was Sam's for the big container of Cheese balls, laundry detergent, ass wipe, a few other big things you really don't need but have to buy because you can and 2 cases of Gatorade.

Third was to find clothes pins for Cece that are not spring activated but the ones you push on so her class can make butter flies. We stopped at 4 stores and no luck what the heck Home Depot didn't even sell any kind of clothes pin any more. I got them at Michael's at the end along with some eyes and pipe cleaners she is happy now as Maddie glued half the eyes on and she is finishing the rest.

So after all that today was a day off the bike as the temps were cold and windy and heck there is a entire summer of good weather coming so going out in this crap does nothing except make you cold and tired. So that meant go in the basement and work on the next bomb for the summer. Got the last pieces the other day and started to put it together. Got to the end and the shop sold me the wrong front derailleur, got a top pull and need a bottom pull. No problem as now I sit and watch the Tour Of Flanders. All good. Later..

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