Monday, July 27, 2009

Last day Up north

Just a few of the pictures of the kids and a rainbow from the last day up north. It was a fun week and the kids had a blast, so did we. But like always the first day at work and home seem to be lost. Work was the same old crap and the ride after was the same as I got caught in a down pour along the lake. But the rain didn't feel bad as it was a warm one. By the time I got home it was done raining and I was drying up. Tomorrow is the track again and Nate is racing as I will go down and ride during the warm up and then change and watch Nate race. There is a Madison ( team race ) tomorrow night and a unknown distance along with a snowball. So if you are bored come on down. I need to get to bed as I'm tired as hell. Later..

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