COOoop relaxing before the ride back.
Kyle enjoying the ride. It was the perfect weather for a nice ride. Had a larger group and had to wait a few times for the others but as always a great ride. The guys that are doing the trail work are doing a great job and the trails are in perfect condition and re routes are great. Thanks for the hard work guys.
Looked on line and Nate didn't make the main in his race. There was 21 guys and the World Champion won the race. Nate has one of the largest classes and the fastest guys at every race. I hope that he has a better day tomorrow.
I'm just sitting back and having a nice cold beer and watching the NASCAR race. Cece and the girls are at a ball room dance competition as some of the students from her school are dancing so I have the house to myself, NICE. Later..
Nice pic's! With that bike, now if I only had a helmet like the "best helmet on the ride". That would be pure old school.
Dude was lucky I didn't just take that sammich from him, but then I most likely woulda had to fight Co0o0op just to keep my ill-gotten goods.
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