Thursday, October 15, 2009

Weekend is here

I took the day off tomorrow to help build the track in Elkhorn. The day starts early and goes late for the next 3 days. I'm betting that I will need some ibuprofen each morning and night after tossing dirt around for 8 to 10 hours a day. But I know it will be worth the sweat as Jake always has a great track when all the dust settles.

Also I have to give Jeff a big thanks as he is making sure that Nate is getting to both cross races as I help at the track. Good luck Jeff with the 3 teenage boys and good luck to all 3 boys. The one thing I'm kind of bummed about is that I miss the Beechwood race. I really like the race but man it was the hardest race I ever raced. I will have to make it to the next years race though.

Nate is 1/2 over with his drivers ed classes so that is nice and then he can take the temps test in Jan. We just wanted to get the class done before the winter and bmx racing and gate practices started. Once Nate gets his temps he can drive to the gate practices and the races on Sundays. Then I will sleep to and from the races. Now I have to try to figure out why my new lap top is not picking up the wireless. Later..

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