Friday, January 04, 2008


Here is a picture of a few LOSERS as they were trying to steal a few votes. The Moron stood with is back to the flag and wouldn't say the pledge. Good thing is that if he gets the nod from the #&%#heads that vote him to the main event the rest of the nation will make sure he never gets to the big house. The rest seen through the smoke that Clinton has been blowing so the results yesterday were cool to see too.

Well the first week of work is done. Even though it was a short one it is in the books. I could feel the fact that I was tired at the gate practice last night. Make back was stiff and I kept hitting the gate and spinning the rear tire. I was trying to jump the gate to make up for the fact that i was tired and it messed me up big. I got home and then went to the basement and switched some handle bars on Nate's bikes as they were not fitting right at the practice. I think that now we have the bikes are set up pretty good. I also got some Intense micro knobby tires for his 20 inch and now I have to Dial in the cruiser. We will be racing this Sunday so I hope everything is set and we don't run into any problems on race day.

Tomorrow Russell has posted that the Saturday training ride from Hales Corners Wheel and Sprocket will be going off at 9:30am. It leaves from the back parking lot. So if you want a nice training ride be there. Later..


Anonymous said...

Obama in '08.

Kerry said...

Jeez, what's the matter? Too much diversity for ya?

The Shed Master said...

So how are they "trying to steal a few votes"?

Jay said...

Steal votes from Edwards who finished 2nd. He was picked to finish 3rd. Clinton the one that they thought would win took 3rd. Obama got lucky and took a 1st.

No nothing to do about having diversity. I don't like lying Muslims that don't honor our country. I would expect that any other American would feel the same. Plus my daughter said she wants to be the 1st women president.

Kerry said...

Lying rich white guys raping our country to make their friends richer are ok though.

DIHAF? said...

Ha, don't tell me you pussies are all gay for Obama now. That is funny. You might have wanted to keep that to yourself.

Who are you talking about Pilgrim, Clinton? Sure sounds like it.

I also like the part where you bash people for being white. You should really dye yourself a different color so you don't have to be white (bad) anymore.