Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Day Off #3

Told to stay home from work by the Mayor today. We are getting some snow but to be told and even called by my boss to stay home and not report to work is a first. It isn't even snowing outside right now. We may have about 6 or 7 inches on the ground right now, but they are saying that we are to get another 8 to 12 inches during the day maybe up to 16-20 total. I then looked at the e-mails from the city and it states that once you are told to stay home that you are to use a vacation day, comp time or a day without pay. Now that kind of sucks that you are told that you can't work because we closed your department down and now take the time you earned to get paid. I think if they say you don't need to report that they should pay you also not force you to use your earned time off. Or at least you get the offer to report to work to save the time to use when you want to, like during the summer to go for a ride. I got to use another sick day as I still have the infection issue. I would have gone in today and suffered through the day if I would have been told not to, but I will burn 1 more day to save the vacation time for a day I want like the BMX Grands with Nate.

I will go back to work tomorrow as the leg is feeling a ton better today. The meds must be kicking in and taking down the infection. That always takes a couple of days and then it clears up pretty quick. Just have to let the meds do their job and take it easy the first day or 2 and then it is pretty much back to normal after that.

Cece and the kids are also off today so it should be a fun day here. The kids will be in and out at least 5 times I bet. I will send them out to shovel later this afternoon and I will get out there if the leg feel a little better. Ahh I'll just take a Vicadin that should work and then just go out and snow blow the stuff for myself and the other 4 older ladies areas to. Stay safe today if you can. Later..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the City's personnel policies are so unfair!