Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lance here in March

Armstrong to advocate for Wisconsin smoking ban

Lance Armstrong is keeping plenty busy in his retirement. On Tuesday, March 4, the seven-time former Tour de France winner will travel to Madison, Wisconsin, to advocate for a ban on smoking. The trip supports his foundation's cancer advocacy effort, including highlighting the causal link between smoking and lung cancer.
"He's a great advocate, obviously a fabulous athlete, and we're honored to have him come speaking about this bill," said Allison Miller, on behalf of the American Cancer Society to the Badger Herald.
A cancer survivor himself, Armstrong is scheduled to meet with Wisconsin's Governor Jim Doyle in order to express support for legislation to ban smoking in all work settings, including eateries and bars.

I hope that with Lance coming here we some day get a smoking ban in all public places. I think a lot of people respect him and just maybe this will work in getting the butts and butt heads out of the bars and restaurants. I hope this works. Later..

1 comment:

Mountaingoat said...

I don't really care if it's banned or not, but since it's so horrible and politicians are so concerned about it and our safety why not outlaw it completely?

Oh yeah, it generates a lot of tax revenue.
