Thursday, March 31, 2005
I'm loving the weather as I think it will be riding outside riding for now on. I was thinking for awhile that I would be in the basement as it was raining for a little bit this afternoon but it cleared up just in time for me to ride after work. I'm riding pretty easy as I'm looking forward to riding harder this weekend to start pushing it a little to get ready for racing. Must recover to be able to push it harder and get faster. Tomorrow is our team St. Paddy day get together and every year someone gets totally drunk and acts like a fool, I know that it will not be me this year. I haven't been that person for a couple of years and last year it was John and Jack. Last year Jack rode his bmx bike to the party and he was so drunks he ran in to a tree in Steve's front yard and feel over. He had to get a ride home and he lives only 5 blocks from Steve's house. But I will have a few shots of cheap Irish whiskey and a couple of beers so I will still be able to ride on sat and Sun. Peace..
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
What another nice day. My gums were still hurting and I still was eating only cottage cheese and yogurt for breakfast and lunch. I went for a ride on the mountain bike and it was the first time since the last WORS race that I rode the mountain bike. It felt really different and I'm going to try to get out on it a least 1 to 2 times a week before the first WORS race. I went to some trails by the house and they are still alittle soft and wet in areas. I guess I'll be riding the mountain bike on the road for a while. I was going to try to get Maddie out on her mountain bike today but her friend was over and she was still feeling the effects of having 2 teeth pulled and a gum graft so I let her off the hook. Maybe this weekend after the group rides I' ll get her out. Have to go and get some chores done. Later.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Well Maddie and I went and had our dental procedures done. The dentist said Maddie was great and did not complain having the 2 teeth pulled and a gum graft. I had 3 gum grafts and it is beginning to hurt a little now that the drugs are wearing off. The dentist said that I can't go for a ride today so I wish I went this morning instead of lifting weights this morning. But oh well there is always tomorrow. Cece just got home with the meds so I'm going to go and get the antibiotics and what ever else I have to take. Later..
Monday, March 28, 2005
Well what a nice day today. I have to say that it is easy to get ready and ride when it's nice outside. I took off for a ride after work but it still get's dark fast so with the time I have it is a short 25 to 30 mile ride yet. It will get longer as the day's get longer but for now it's as much as the sun will let me do. I felt ok but the legs were heavy yet from the ride on Saturday so it was small ring all the way. Today Nate and Jessica went upnorth for the week with my parents so it's Cece, Maddie and myself. It is nice to not have any kids fighting or yelling at each other all day. Nate is taking the week off from training as he has raced every weekend from the end of October until this weekend so he needs a week off the bike then he will be fresh for the WORS races. He did want to take a bike and rollers upnorth but I said let's just take the week off and play upnorth and not worry about the bike for awhile. I'm glad he is asking and I'm not having to push it on him. Tommorow Maddie and I are having gum graft's and Maddie is having 2 teeth pulled so I will have to see how I feel and maybe it will be a day off the bike. Well have to get some things done so later.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Kids up at 5:30 to find the candy. I can't get them up for school and throw out some candy and I can't keep them in bed. But let me say it isn't pretty to see 3 kids chocolate, jelly beans, and peeps and then go to chruch. I decided that I will take the day off and go to Cece's mothers house with the family. I think I won't push my luck after all there is the whole summer that I'll be in the dog house for riding to much. Well off to eat a great brunch that my mother has prepared. HAPPY EASTER everyone.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Finished Maddies bike this morning by putting the tires on It looks really good and way better then most riders will ever get and she is pnly 9 years old. Went for a 70 mile ride today and it was ok but there were some real bone heads on the ride who couldn't ride worth a damm. It may be time to go and do the drop the doc ride. Got home and washed and waxed the Excursion and that is a big monster to do and it really needed it. Ate some pizza and ready to watch the Incredibles with the kids and eat some popcorn. Have to go to my parents for brunch and then go to Racine adn eat dinner ate Cece's mothers house. May ride to Racine have to see if I'm pushing my luck with the riding yet. Have a good Easter. Peace..
Friday, March 25, 2005
Well we went to Lenny's for a ride. I tought a couple of more would have come for the ride. As it turned out it was just Len, John, Samantha and myself. I was a good steady ride which we got a 35 miler in. It was very windy and cold. We kept it easy and averaged about 18.5 so it was perfect and didn't beat us up. Plus we are planning a60 plus mile ride tommorow at 10am from Hales Corners Wheel and sprocket. When I got home I dropped off the Hayes brakes that Len gave me for Maddie's bike aat the shop and Russell said he would get to it after work. I then went by my Dad's house and did a brake job on his truck. I'm glad it was easier then his other truck I did in the fall. I also got the car washed and waxed so bonus. I got a call from Russ and Maddie's bike was done so Maddie and I went and picked it up and she was so happy to see it and she said she can't wait to race. She also said she wants to race bmx next yeart so that should be cool. Eating dinner at my parents as my brother is in town so that's cool. Have to go and eat. Peace..
Thursday, March 24, 2005
It was great I got out of work at 2:30 and called John and Dan and we got out for a 36 mile ride. It was nice to get a ride in after work for a change. We went west and then turned towards the lake and as always the wind switched and was coming from the north east right off the lake. But it didn't matter as you know riding outside was just great in any wind. I hope that it doesn't rain or anything tonight so we can get a ride in at Lenny's tommorow. Russell has every thing ready for Maddies bike all we need is the brakes from Len and it will be ready for her. I have to say that it is looking pretty cool and I think that she will really like it. Peace..
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Number 2
Hello again. After work today the kids did a easy day as I don't want them to hate to get on the bikes. I dropped off Maddie's bike and Russell said he would get it finished or at least started so next week Maddie and I can go for a few rides so she gets used to it. It will be a really nice bike for her and Lenny is hooking me up with some Hayes brakes for it to. John came over and we did our workout on the trainers boy I'm getting ready to ride outside everyday any day now. Cece and the kids went to a concert at her school I would have gone but I had to train so it's dinner on my own so I'll have to see what is in the fridge. Have to get going as I'm really hungry. Peace..
Late updates
I'm finding it easier to update in the morning then try to get the kids to bed and do other things then get on the computer later. Russell came over and trained with me and again he said " I'm taking it easy as I did a hard spin class last night". The season is coming up fast and I think it's time to put in the extra work or suffer in the races. I think if you can give up in the early training that it's easier to quit in the races and that's not me. Russ is such a goof he brings these little Homies from the gum ball machines and I think the kids have about 50 of them and the kids line them up. They have them all from the houchie momma to the gang bangers. Today is a day for training with the kids then John is coming over and I know he will ride hard or I will get on his case about it. Maybe I will update tonight as the kids are going to Grandma's for the night as they are off off school for the next 11 days. Peace...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Easy day
For Monday it was a nice day as when the sun is out it is always nice. I had lunch with some friends at Botana's and the food was pretty good. I trained with the kids today and had them ride easy spin for 45 minutes. I was funny all they did was talk but they did keep thier legs spinning for the entire time. I did steady increases and I felt good as I should have because I didn't race or do anything on Sunday. Now it is time to train and get ready for the race season. Hope to get the 75 mile ride in on Friday as that is the staple ride for good Friday, and then another 60 on Saturday. Then I will try to ride to Cece's mothers house on Easter and that will give me 30 miles. I have to get ready as the Bone ride will come up fast that's the ride from Milwaukee to Madison have lunch and ride back. That is a 160 mile day. Have to get to work. Peace...
Sunday, March 20, 2005
The weekend is all most over. I was so busy I can't believe it. The camp went well but Maddie didn't go she got sick and Cece took her to the doctor and she is on antibiotics. But Nate went and learned a lot about nutrition and good training skills for racing. The camp was a little hard for the kids as at the race today they were all slow from all the hard work. We went on a group ride with about 7 of us and it was nice but damp and cold. I was about 15 miles into the ride and I broke a pin in my chain and of course Russell had a chain tool with him and he got me back home. Russ then went back home and stopped at the shop and got me a new chain and cassette and put it on my bike. Nate is still a little sick and the cold air got to him. He did his best and was in the break but just rolled in and he just sat in and rolled in with them. It was cold so I took off with Nate and we went to the bmx track and Nate raced cruiser and took 5th. I didn't race and Ron just missed making his final and Ray won his age again. My Mom and Dad came and watched so that was cool and they were impressed at how well Nate is doing since the last time they seen him race. I'm kind of bummed that the bmx is done as it was getting to be a lot fun. We may go to Indiana as the season goes until the end of April. Now it is time to start getting ready for mountain bike and road season. Peace..
Friday, March 18, 2005
We went the bmx track and it was a fun night. Everyone made their finals, Ron and Ray took 2nd and 3rd in the open. Ray is flying and is really kicking butt adn to bad it is the end. Nate took 5th in cruiser and Danny and I took 6th and 7th in criser, so not to bad. Skyler took 2nd in the open and 1st in class. Sammy took a 2nd and a 1st also. We have a training camp for the kids tommorow and then either race at Parkside or if the weather is bad we are t the bmx track. Have to finish packing will fill in Sunday. Peace..
Thursday, March 17, 2005
When is the snow going to end? Well took the day off the bike any how. I think I'm going to race at the bmx track tommorow anyhow. The kids and I went to the Disney store and got The Incredibles dvd. Cece and the kids don't have school tommorow so they are planing on watching it. We also got Nate a new pair of skate shoes and he is wearing them and keeps staring at them every other minute it's kind of funny. He looked at the shoes more then his dinner plate, I had to keep telling him to eat. We went to the Japanica last night and drank a few beers from Japan and ate sushi. I have to say that it is not that bad but as a few of the friends that have been going weekly for it I will not be doing that. I had what they called a packer roll and it was tasty but I could not tell you what it was other then raw tuna, rice and avacado. Then Russell ordered me up a few seperate pieces of sushi, one had shrimp, another had lobster, another had tuna, and the last was eel. I didn't like the eel and would not order that again. The best I have to say was that Russell ordered for Cooper and he ordered all the things that you would not eat. Example fish eggs, octopus, eel, squid I mean so may I can't even remember. But Copp ate it all and said that it was OK. I could not have done that. Well tommorow a work meeting in the morning and then I have to give a motivation talk to my dad's college class, he say's the student are lazy and he wants me to try to talk to them. I hope that I can can help and get the kids to work harder. Got to go and get the kids to bed and fold more clothes. Peace...
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I got a call in the morning to work the health booth at the food show so guess what. I said yes and got all the fried food I wanted again for lunch. I ate way to much again and had to do a hard work out to make myself feel ok that I ate the fried food. Russ and John came over and we did the Crit workout and now are getting ready to go out and eat Sushi. Nate, Maddie and Jordan did their work out and did the time trial work out. I have to say that Nate really takes his training serious and works hard for a 10 year old. I guess his hard work shows when he is racing and winning his age group races every week. I really enjoy training the kids as they really pick up the racing and skills fast. Have to go as the bus is leaving to the Sushi Bar. I'll let you know how it is. Peace..
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Got the kids from after school program and got home and tried to get on the rollers but I got to doing other things and it took awhile. I got going and couldn't get into the workout so I did my easiest workout. I did a hill climbing work out. When finally finished I made dinner for us and get the kids showered and just got to sit down and relax. Cece has parent teacher meetings again tonight so she won't be home until the kids are in bed. I'm thinking that I going to race on Friday at the bmx track as the season is over this weekend. I 'm still thinking that I will race the last Parkside race if the weather is nice on Sunday. I can race the Master 30 plus and the cat 3's. Have to get the kids ready for bed although they are all quite and watching Big Daddy, so I will let stay up and watch the rest of it. Time to fold clothes now. Peace...
Thank's Ron
I was going to stay below the radar for awhile and Ron blew me out of the water. I have to say it is different trying to find something to write but it is fun. I'm still trying to learn the way the site works and when I do I will try to make it more interesting. Thanks for checking it out. Peace...
Monday, March 14, 2005
Fried food
For work today I went to the Wisconsin restaurant Association food show. I ate more fried food in 2 hours then a person should eat in a month. I'm glad that it is only once a year thing. The show is pretty cool and you get a lot of cool pens and other junk that the kids like. I picked up the kids and they wanted to do the sprint workout today so I set up Nate and myself on the rollers and Maddie and Jordan on the trainers. I had to keep telling Maddie and Jordan to keep pedaling but we made it through the workout. I needed the workout to work off the fried food from this afternoon and I feel better now and I will eat something more healthy for dinner. I will have to go and see what we have as Cece has teacher conferences tonight with her students parents so it's dinner for just us and and the kids. Have to get to the dinner s the kids are looking for snacks. Peace.....
Sunday, March 13, 2005
No riding yesterday, just went to the shop and put a bottom bracket and cranks in Maddies bike. We went to a friends new house for a house warming. Then Jerry, Barb and Macinize came up and we went out for some pizza and wine. Alot of running to do in one day, but I needed the day off the bike. We went to bmx track adn raced as it was 18 degrees out side and no way I was going to let the kids race or myself race in that cold. Nate is really doing good as he is jumping everything now. He has the other kids worried that it won't be long an dhe will be beating them. He made the final in the cruiser open and took 4th place. I decided to race once I got there and Dan was there and said he was going to race. I made the final also in cruiser and took 6th place. I was happy making the final as it was the first for me. Going to sit and watch OLN and the rest of the Paris Nice and the rest of the car race. Peace..
Friday, March 11, 2005
We went to spin tonight and what we come out and it is snowing. Is it going to end one of these days? But hey soon it will be hot and we won't like that. Nate isn't feeling all that well so at spin he just sat on the bike and spun and did some sprints but he took it easy. Maddie did all right she said she was alittle tired but she never gave up that is awesome. As it looks we are going to the bmx track sunday as it is to be cold and snowy, no problem with that. I like Fridays as it is take it easy and get through work. At mom and dad's again and we ate a fish fry and Cece is cutting hair. Looks like rollers again and hope for better weather next week. Peace...
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Late Thursday
Just got home form Mom and Dad's. I had to pick up Maddie and eat the great dinner she made. Bmx practice is over for the year I don't know what I will do, I guess we will just ride on the road. The snow may keep us indoors at the bmx track this weekend. We will just have to see. Peace....
Money gone
Got a new dryer and Cece was doing a load of clothes as I was walking in the door. After hooking it up and getting finished in a clean load was being tossed in. Got the best one for the money I hope it lasts 30 years like the last one. Training was good and I feel ready to go. It is snowing right now and we have bmx training tonight so at least it is indoors and fun. I have to go and get 3 dozen worms for Cece today for her science class I wish I was getting them to go out on the lake, but that will be soon I hope. Will follow up with a update tonight. Peace
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Spending hard earned $
Last night the dryer died so there goes some money that I picture could have bought a nice set of wheels or new parts for a bike. So after John gets here and we train a quick shower and off to picking up a new dryer. I picked up the kids and they asked how long do get to ride I said easy day 30 minutes they said good as Maddie said when she was running at school her legs were sore. She said that the soreness was a good soreness and she liked it, so she must like the racing and training.Last night with Russ over training he just rode the trainer adn did a few hard jumps but now I see that he is behind in his trainig and that may be the reason he got dropped on Sunday. My legs are feeling ok and trained hard while Russ did his thing. Going to do a easier workout tonight as I have bmx practice tommorow and that is just a sprint repeat all night and I want to be fresh for that. Got to go John should be here in a few minutes. peace...
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
2's day
Just waiting for Russ to get here so we can do our spin workout in the basement. The kids took the day off yesterday because Nate didn't feel real good and needed the rest and Maddie said her legs were sore. So I figured that a day off was worth it for them.. I just cleaned my bikes and then went to the home and school meeting myself. I really needed the day off to I think as my legs and butt were sore also. Today was a easy day of work as I just picked up soft serve ice cream for the lab. I like the days that I pick up samples as it is just as easy as it gets. So after the workout it will be the 5 star meal of hot dogs and beans. I think I will do the crit workout as Russ got dropped in the race on Sunday and I think he needs to get the heart rate up and get past that for this Sundays race. Peace..
Monday, March 07, 2005
Today at work it seems to be dragging along. The kids were tired this morning and getting them ready was slow. They have Iowa Basic testing today to see how they are learning in school. I n the past they have done alright so I hope that they are still holding up. Tonight we have easy spin for the kids on the rollers and we will see how Jordan does as he missed last week of training because he was sick. And for me it will be a night off because I have a Home and School meeting. Maybe I will get on the rollers when we put the kids in bed, I'll see how I feel then. I feel preety good today considering the I raced 2 races yesterday. The hard day will be tommorow because the legs will feel like junk but I will spin for an hour before Russ comes over for a workout. Must get out of here. Peace...
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Well the racing on the road started today. Nate took 2nd and Maddie took 3rd. Super proud of both of them. I was worried that Maddie might not fair to well as it was her first road ride on her new bike and never racing a crit I tought she might not finish but she did. As for Nate he took off after the first lap and one guy gets a free ride and when Nate dies he drops Nate, he learned a lesson today as he is the fastest sprinter and today he took 2nd for that move. But still he is a better rider for trying and thinking on his own during his races and I will never fault him for that. Myself I did what I expected, I finished in the front half of the field at the end. The weather was so great it was hard not want to race all day but the legs were cooked after 50 plus miles at 25mph average. These were harder then I expected but not on any training ride that we pushed hard on made the speed hard at times. But just sitting in it was o problem to finish. The weather is supposed to be cold and bad next week so we may be at the bmx track and letting Nate fly over the jumps and manual in the bumps. We will see adn decide at the last moment. Have to go and lay on the heating pad as the back is tight after today. Peace..
Saturday, March 05, 2005
We did the group ride today and of course a guy shows up to a gun fight (Road ride) with a knife (Mtb bike). The dude is off the back by the time we are 7 miles for the parking lot. We slowed down, tried pushing him I mean we tried everything. About 5 miles later he comes and tells us he knows his way home and leaves the ride. Hate to say but riding along at 17 to 18mph pushing some dude is not fun. The ride picks up and going along good and then I get a flat. But with Russell's help less then 2 minutes later we are going again. The ride finishes and I think I'm ready to race at Parkside or at least I will finish with the pack. I got home and then cleaned up and went down to Racine to a party for Tiff as she just got back from flying her helicopter for the last one and a half years. Glad to see she made it home and now we are praying for her husband to get home as he is still flying over there yet. It was great to get together and talk about the days when she raced (jr. national champ) and how much fun that was. But now she has to play Army so she has no time to ride. She is living in Hawaii and she is going to try to ride again. Well got to get to bed and get ready for the races as I have to get Maddie my 9 year old girl and Nate my 10 year old ready to race also. Will let you know how it goes tommorow. Peace out...
Friday, March 04, 2005
Nate, Maddie and I went to spin tonight and did a crit workout with the Hayes On Track team. It is a killer workout and a couple of the kid were really having a tough time. I hope that this will pay off for them come the parkside races and the WORS races. I have the Saturday ride tommorow so i think I will do a few hard efforts and then sit in to be fresh for the races on Sunday. If the weather is bad on Sunday we are going to the BMX track and Nate will race there. I'm looking forward to Sunday because it will be Maddie's first road race and I think she will do OK if she just rides and doesn't give up. I know that Nate is ready I think he will do really well and Nate can win the race if he rides smart. Myself I plan on doing the 30 plus and the 3's. This should be the test to how the training is going this year. Tired after bmx last night and spin tonight. Peace
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