Monday, March 07, 2005


Today at work it seems to be dragging along. The kids were tired this morning and getting them ready was slow. They have Iowa Basic testing today to see how they are learning in school. I n the past they have done alright so I hope that they are still holding up. Tonight we have easy spin for the kids on the rollers and we will see how Jordan does as he missed last week of training because he was sick. And for me it will be a night off because I have a Home and School meeting. Maybe I will get on the rollers when we put the kids in bed, I'll see how I feel then. I feel preety good today considering the I raced 2 races yesterday. The hard day will be tommorow because the legs will feel like junk but I will spin for an hour before Russ comes over for a workout. Must get out of here. Peace...

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